Teach Secondary Issue 14.2
ARE YOUTHERE GOD? IT’S ME, MARGARET (2023, 106 MINUTES, PG) CURRICULUM LINKS: English Literature, PSHE, RE It’s 1970, and 11-year-oldMargaret finds her life turned upside down when shemoves fromthe bright lights of NewYork City to the suburbs of NewJersey.While she quickly finds a group of new friends, there are bigger things for her to worry about. Her Jewish father and Christian mother expect her to figure out which religion she belongs to, shemisses her grandma – and, most importantly, she hasn’t got her period yet and barely needs a bra. As the school year goes on,Margaret finds herself pulled in amillion different directions without yet having a clear idea of who she really is… Discussionquestions: •What is a ‘coming-of-age’ film? Can you name any examples? •Why do you think ‘fitting in’ is so important to Margaret? Can you relate to the peer-group pressures she experiences? •Where doMargaret and her friends get their information on womanhood from? Is this information helpful or harmful? •What do we understand about Margaret by listening to her prayers? Head online to intofilm.org to streamthis film for free,download the accompanyingfilm guide and read ourCurationTeam’s blog post, which examines howthefilmaddresses the complexities ofpuberty (tinyurl.com/ ts142-NL1); be sure to also keep an eye out for Into Film’s dedicated resource page tomark InternationalWomen’sDayonMarch8th Creative exercises to get students generating new ideas A F E W M I N U T E S O F D E S I G N #34 YOUR TYPE Look at the word shown below. Write your name in the same typeface. Are there clues to any letters that are in your name, but not in the sample? Practice drawing the common elements of the letters. What do the curves look like? The line thicknesses?What gives the letters their unique character? Natasha Porter OBE@NPorter_ (X) You knowwhat is REALLYboring and uncreative and bad for themost vulnerable kids? Kids getting awaywith disrupting lessons. Never checking for knowledge, so building on insecure or absent foundations. Inconsistency between different teachers and lessons. Vic Goddard @vicgoddard (X) The practice ofmanipulating your school intake throughmessaging and immoral behaviour is not limited to any type of school. It is unique to those lacking integrity and true care for the whole community they serve. It is not an academy issue. Follow us via @teachsecondary (X) and @ teachsecondary.bsky.social Get Into Film TEACHER TAL ES True stories fromthe education chalkface Did you pack your own bags? Some time ago, our school used to regularly host a group of visiting students from Moscow every other year.At the end of one such visit, I offered to transport the group to Heathrow for their earlymorning return flight. I already had theminibus keys, having taken a teamof athletes and their equipment to a district sports event the previous day. They finished late, however,meaning that some items of said equipment had to be left in theminibus overnight, and returned to the PE store when time allowed. The 12 Russian students, plus their two teachers had all been staying with different families, so we had to wait until everyone arrived at school that morning before we could set off.Time passed, to the point where the partywas at risk ofmissing their flight. Eventually arriving later than planned at Terminal 2, I hastily dropped offmy passengers and their assorted luggage. Arriving back at school, I was then informed that inmy haste to ensure the groupmade their flight, I’d inadvertently given one of the students not just their own luggage, but also a holdall containing three starting pistols, which had caused some alarmat airport security. I was then duly summoned to attend HeathrowPolice station to explain to the stony-faced officers why I’d transported firearms onto the airport premises... Pullingmy leg Reponse to aY7 general knowledge test question: What areDobermanPinschers? Apair of trousers Have amemorable true school tale or anecdote ofyour own? Share the details, andfindmore amusing stories, at schoolhumour.co.uk Like and subscribe Who’s been saying what on the socials this month? 09 teachwire.net/secondary N E WS | M A R / A P R
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