Teach Secondary Issue 14.2
NEW edition AQA approved and Edexcel endorsed VIEW SAMPLES “The clear explanations, engaging examples, and comprehensive practice questions make learning Maths not just effective but enjoyable.” Secure your students’ mathematical knowledge with fully-updated and revised textbooks Unlock GCSE Maths Head of Maths, Sutton Valence School of trusted Maths resources from Collins Celebrating 25 years in print, the fifth edition of this bestselling GCSE Maths textbook has been updated for today’s students. First published in 1997, the Collins GCSE Maths programme have been tested in classrooms across the UK and carefully refined over time by a highly experienced team of expert authors: Kevin Evans, Keith Gordon, Trevor Senior, Brian Speed and Michael Kent. 25 years NE edition AQA approved and Edexcel endorsed VIEW SAMPLES “The clear explanations, engaging examples, and comprehensive practice questions make learning Maths not just effective but enjoyable.” Secure your students’ mathematical knowledge with fully-updated and revised textbooks lo G M t s Head of Maths, Sutton Valence School of trusted Maths resources from Collins Celebrating 25 years in print, the fifth edition of this bestselling GCSE Maths textbook has been updated for today’s students. First published in 1997, the Collins GCSE Maths programme have been tested in classrooms across the UK and carefully refined over time by a highly experienced team of expert authors: Kevin Evans, Keith Gordon, Trevor Senior, Brian Speed and Michael Kent. 25 years NEW ed tion AQA a proved and Edexcel endorsed VIEW SAMPLES “The clear explanations, engaging examples, and comprehensive practice questions make lear ing Maths not just effective but enjoyable.” Secure your students’ mathematical knowledge with fully-updated and revised textb oks nl ck SE aths Head of Maths, Sutton Val nce School of trusted Maths resources from Collins Celebrating 25 years in print, the fifth editi n of this b stselling GCSE Maths textbook has been updated f r today’s students. First published in 1997, the Collins GCSE Maths p ogramme hav be n tested in classrooms across the UK and carefully r fined over time by a highly xperi nced team of xpert authors: Kevin Evans, Keith G rdon, Trevor Senio , Brian Speed and Micha l Kent. 25 years
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