Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

THE SPEECH: Education Secretarydelivers keynote speech at Bett 2025 WHO? Bridget Phillipson, Secretary of State for Education WHERE? Bett 2025, ExCeL London WHEN? 22nd January 2025 “Tech can power the future of learning when children get to school. But first we must close the digital divide. Because at the moment, tech is delivering new incredible opportunities for some children, whilst others are left disconnected. So we’re acting decisively to support all schools. We recently launched new digital service called Plan Technology for Your School. It’ll help schools make the big decisions about what technology to buy and how to use it properly. Our Connect the Classroom programme has reached almost one and a half million pupils already. Working in partnership withmore than 3,700 schools, we have funded newwireless networks so that kids can get online safely, securely and at high speed. Technology could do so much for so many children. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, adaptive learning – they are breaking down barriers and lifting up life chances. The evidence is there for all to see. The Education Endowment Foundation found that digital tech in the classroom can accelerate learning by two to three months, and we’ll build on that to make sure that the use of tech in our classrooms is based firmly on the most accurate evidence. Firmly on what the latest neuroscience tells us about how children learn.” THE RESPONSE: ASCL responds to inspection reformproposals FROM? Patrick Roach, NASUWTGeneral Secretary REGARDING? Ofsted’s proposed reforms to the school inspection framework WHEN? 3rd February 2025 “Some of the proposals Ofsted has put forward may have merit, but others fail to address the root problems and could make the experience of inspection even worse… Whilst we welcome the Chief Inspector’s commitment to securing a constructive and collaborative relationship with the profession, we are concerned that the continuing high stakes system of inspection and accountability will do more harm than good.” Student voice As the profession waits with bated breath for the Labour government to unveil its CurriculumandAssessment Review, a group of 11 youth leaders has been running a parallel grassroots curriculum review of its own. The group, operating under the ‘Youth ShadowPanel’ banner, has nowpublished its own interim report, having invited KS1-KS5 students in England to share their likes and dislikes with regards to the learning and assessment processes in place at their schools.After issuing a call for evidence that ran from02/12/24 to 12/01/25, the group gathered 556 responses. The findings indicate that many respondents struggledwith anxiety and stress stemming froma reliance on final exams.While some believed exams to be a fairmeans of assessing students,most expressed a preference for coursework – with some suggesting that theremay be a place for skills testing focused on the application of critical thinking, analysis and the ability to interpret data. The report further highlights submissions fromKS4 and KS5 who felt that what they had learnt at school wasn’t adequately preparing them for their futures, pointing to a lack of teaching around cookery skills, consumer rights, and how tomanage their personal finances. The group has also announced a series of ‘ShadowCAR’ in-person discussion events that will take place across March 2025, at venues in Bristol, Dudley, Durhamand London, as well as two live events that will be hosted online, further details of which can be found at tinyurl.com/ts142-NL3 Download the interimreport via tinyurl.com/ ts142-NL2 SPEECHES AND CORRESPONDENCE Forget the media-friendly soundbites – what else was in those announcements and letters you missed? 15 MAY 2025 Schools & Academies Show | 26 JUNE 2025 The Northern Education Show | 3-4 JULY 2025 Festival of Education SAVE THE DATE 15 MAY 2025 Schools &Academies Show ExCeLLondon schoolsandacademiesshow.co.uk If you’re a school leader looking to boost student outcomes whilemanaging costs, you’ll find plenty of innovative ideas, informative discussions and inspirational talks taking place at this day-long event, which is set to include an extensive exhibition floor, a packed CPD agenda and opportunities to obtain one-to-one practical advice from representatives of the DfE. 26 JUNE 2025 TheNorthern Education Show Bolton StadiumHotel northerneducationshow.uk Free to attend for school leaders, administrative staff and local government representatives,The Northern Education Showwill give key education decision-makers the chance tomeet directlywith educational suppliers and hear first-hand from government officials about the latest policy trends and developments that are poised to shape the profession. 3-4 JULY 2025 Festival of Education WellingtonCollege,Crowthorne educationfest.co.uk This annual gathering of educators will once again be hosting a series of thought- provoking discussions and engaging speakers across some 40 on-site locations.Visitors will have ample opportunities to share their ideas, experiences and practice with like-minded – and indeed very differently inclined – teachers fromacross the countrywithin relaxed indoor and outdoor surroundings. 07 teachwire.net/secondary N E WS | M A R / A P R