Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

3 Capture their attention The HUE HD Pro is an affordable, multipurpose, plug and play visualiser suitable for teachers working right across the curriculum. Flexible and portable, it’s able to capture images, record lessons, facilitate livestreaming and be used to share content both in person and online. This easy-to-use camera enables effective live modelling while aiding student focus. Plus, if you want to use your iPad as a live screen for your HUE camera, you now can (if running iPadOS 17 or later). Find out more at huehd.com/pro . 1 GCSE support We may be in the lead-up to exams season, but there’s still time to join Academy21’s DfE-accredited GCSE Rescue courses. These courses uniquely blend 100% live teaching with interactive lessons, revision and skill sessions, as well as personalised support to help your students achieve their best outcomes. Courses are structured so that students can join at any time. They can then learn in small groups with others of similar ability, undertaking activities tailored to their needs with real-time feedback. Academy21 courses can be delivered on-site, remotely or via a combination of the two – whichever best fits your students’ needs. Contact Academy21 today to find out more at contact@academy21.co.uk , or by calling 0800 2088 210 . What’s New? Our pick of the latest solutions and innovations for secondary education Inspiring talent Tech She Can is an industry-backed charity dedicated to inspiring the next generation of tech talent.We create and deliver free, engaging, and inclusive resources for children, teachers, and parents, aiming to spark interest in tech careers from an early age. Our mission is simple, but powerful – to increase the number of girls and women entering tech roles, and ensure that the technology shaping our world is designed to reflect all of us.What sets us apart is our unique cross-sector community of over 250 partners spanning 40+ industries operating far beyond just tech. This collective expertise enables us to craft educational materials designed by our experienced teachers, to help children explore technology as a potential career path. Visit techshecan.org for more details. 2 Python for all With coding becoming an ever more essential skill for future careers, Python in Pieces by 2Simple provides the perfect bridge between block-based coding and Python. Designed for both specialist and non-specialist teachers, this award-winning platform supports students with interactive lessons, explainer videos and curriculum-mapped activities. One of its key unique features allows for seamless translation between block code and Python, thus deepening students’ understanding and boosting their confidence. With its progress tracking, debugging tools and a vibrant community showcase, Python in Pieces makes coding accessible, engaging and achievable for all learners. Equip your students with the skills they need for the digital world – find out more at 2simple.com/pythoninpieces . 4 5 Safer AI At the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we’re excited to launch our newAI safety resources as part of the Experience AI programme, co-developed with Google DeepMind. These cutting-edge resources are designed for non-specialist educators teaching 11- to 14-year-olds, and focus on the crucial topics of AI safety, privacy, data use and responsible tool usage. Organised into flexible, standalone sessions, these lessons make it easy for teachers to introduce students to the world of AI. Empowering young learners to think critically and navigate the digital world safely, these lessons are essential for an AI-driven future! For more information, visit rpf.io/aisafetyteach . teachwire.net/secondary PA R T N E R C O N T E N T 62