Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

Cracking the code RoweenaWarnakulasuriya explains how coding lessons at Wilmington Academy will see students getting hands-on with some familiar use cases... B y the time our students are taking their options at Y9, they’ll have completed a KS3 Python coding project over the course of six weeks that tasks themwith using their computational skills. This gives us a good sense of which students possess an aptitude for coding, and could be encouraged to choose computer science as one of their GCSE subjects. The GCSE course begins with students being introduced to the principles of system architecture, before moving on to computer algorithms, flow charts and exploring how a computer ‘thinks’ We’ll then spend a whole term focusing on coding with Python, but at present, our GCSE cohorts only have one double computer science lesson per week – which doesn’t give us a lot of time. Making time I’ve tried to address that by providing both our Y10 and Y11s with weekly ‘intervention’ sessions, to ensure they’re able to cover everything. These interventions take place on ABOUT THE AUTHOR Roweena Warnakulasuriya is computer science subject lead at Wilmington Academy in Dartford, Kent Thursdays, with our Y11s having theirs before school from 8am to 8.30am, and the Y10s being offered an after-school session. The Y10 interventions task students with tackling a series of distinct Python challenges over the course of the academic year, beginning with tasks that require inputs/outputs, before advancing to increasingly complex projects that call for ‘if’ statements, for-loops, and so on. Complex fun The Y11 interventions tend to concentrate on one or two specific exam questions and the techniques needed to pass them– or at the very least, what’s needed for them to score, say three marks from a six-mark question by applying what they know as best as they can, rather than giving up completely when the question appears to be too difficult for them to answer. Every six weeks, our student will complete a mini exam that tests their Python and general computer skills, while helping with their knowledge retention ahead of Y11. I’mhappy to report that this year’s Y10s have done especially well in their testing up to now. Once they’ve progressed to Y11, our students will then start to apply more advanced Python coding skills and knowledge to challenges that are more complex, but also more outwardly fun. One task I’ve recently set is for students to create a mock dating app, which saw them having to use functions, create a signing-in process and configure question fields using ‘if’ statements. The process of applying everything we’ve covered up to then, in terms of additional programming, to apps and contexts they recognise is something the students have really enjoyed. Our Y11 students have been using the Gizmo app (gizmo. ai) to create their own personalised flashcards when revising specific keywords, adding the notes and explanation that are most helpful for them. We also organise regular 10-minute quizzing and learning game starter activities in class, to help them refresh their knowledge and complement their independent revision. ManagingAI If we encounter any serious errors or misconceptions in students’ work, we’ll sometimes take a picture, display it in front of the class (without any details that will identify the student), discuss what’s gone wrong, and how everyone can avoid making similar mistakes in future. We assess the aforementioned 6-weekly tests using a question level analysis breakdown, so that we can quickly identify where students have struggled with their responses, and which areas we might need to revisit and try to improve on. More recently, we’ve had to manage the issue of students using AI. Students are made aware of the school’s AI policy at the start of the course – which effectively bars them from using AI in their work – and will receive regular reminders of this. We can spot instantly if students have used AI, because the code clearly won’t be theirs. For example, AIs will make frequent use of F functions – which we’ve seen students include in their work before they’ve been taught about them. AI can be good for explaining how certain processes work – but we ultimately need students to use their own initiative when working on the coding activities we’ve set them... “We can spot instantly if students have usedAI,because the code clearlywon’t be theirs” 57 teachwire.net/secondary S T E M