Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

We examine the powerful learning unique to science practicals, find out how one school goes about building its students’ coding prowess – and learn how D&T is no longer the subject it once was... How are schools engaging students in STEM subjects? FOCUS ON: STEM THE AGENDA: 54 THE APPLIANCE OF SCIENCE As any science teacher knows, practical lessons are often challenging, but hugely rewarding – Kit Betts-Masters offers some advice on ensuring yours go without a hitch... 57 CRACKING THE CODE RoweenaWarnakulasuriya explains how coding lessons atWilmington Academy involve students getting hands-on with some familiar use cases 60ANEW ITERATION Tony Ryan reflects on howD&T has evolved as a subject – in terms of what it used to be, and what it now has to be... 53 teachwire.net/secondary S T E M