Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

FUNDING your dreams THIS WAY! School improvement advice for headteachers and SLTs FUNDING | FUNDRAISING | REVENUE W herever you are in your school leadership journey – whether you’re new in post, or an experienced pro – you’re very likely going to be grappling with the realities of long-termunderfunding, and the unpredictability involved in setting school budgets. Fear not. You aren’t alone, and the shortages and pressures you’re experiencing aren’t your fault. Whilst we can’t do much individually to raise our per-pupil funding, there are some things you can do to equip yourself with the fundraising know-how needed to secure the resources your school truly needs. Maximise your entitlements There are two parts to this process. The first is to make sure that your school is getting all the funding to which it is entitled – and that means checking eligibility, understanding the rules around who gets what and making sure you get it. The second part involves fundraising – but first things first. Before embarking on any ambitious fundraising campaigns, ensure that your school is already receiving all the funding it could be – whichmight include, but not be limited to… • Free school meals Your school’s eligibility for the Free School Meals (FSM) entitlement should be regularly reviewed as a matter of course. Ensure that all eligible families are fully aware of the funds that are available, and are accessing this vital support accordingly. Actively encourage families to apply by signposting them to the application process. Also, ensure your families are aware of the positive impact that just their applications will have on the school’s resources – because simply by applying, their FSM entitlement may yet unlock additional funding streams for the school, such as the Pupil Premium. • SEND funding Carefully review the needs of your students with SEND, and ensure that your Local Authority’s information is complete and accurate. Also check that any funding you’re currently in receipt of is what you are owed. It can be difficult, but try to take time to understand the complexities of SEND funding across your LA. Work closely with your SENCo, and make sure they’re fully up-to-date with any newEducation, Health and Care Plans (as well any changes needed to other EHCPs already in place) so that you can plan your budgeting and staffing needs accordingly. By diligently reviewing these two areas, you’ll be that much closer to maximising your school’s income, and ensuring that every pound is used to best support your students’ learning and wellbeing. Raising those funds Before embarking on any fundraising journey, it’s crucial to first identify your school’s most pressing needs. What are the biggest obstacles getting in the way of you providing an excellent education for your students? Outdated playground equipment, perhaps? Limited access to technology? Insufficient resources for extra- curricular trips, clubs or activities? Remember that any needs you identify at this stage should be linked closely to your school’s development priorities and broader educational ambitions. This is your cue to open up a dialogue with staff, parents and, most importantly, your students. What are their priorities?What new additions or revised offerings would genuinely enhance their school experience? Sure, a brand new swimming pool might seem like an admirable, if lofty aspiration, but youmay be better off considering a set of more achievable goals – such as securing regular access to a visiting mobile swimming pool, for example. Hilary Goldsmith looks at the fundraising avenues available to schools, and what it takes to generate revenue in an effective, sustainable way... 43 teachwire.net/secondary L E A D E R S H I P