Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

Get your computer science students up to speed and aiming highwith this suite of free online resources Isaac Computer Science 1 TOPICS COVERING ALL ENGLISH AWARDING BODIES Our platform has all the knowledge your students need to get the top grades, whether they’re taking GCSE or A level Computer Science. Covering the needs of all English exam awarding bodies, students can choose their preference upon registration, ensuring they gain the right subject knowledge aligned to their choice. Explore all the topics available at: bit.ly/4hWZcaE 2 STRUCTURED STUDY AND PROGRESS TRACKING Set questions for your students and the system will mark them, giving you a detailed breakdown of their progress. Isaac Computer Science is great for supporting remote teaching, homework and revision sessions, and can help you quickly identify areas where students can improve. Explore its gameboards feature via: bit.ly/4gDK0On 3 FREE ONLINE BOOSTER EVENTS Our unique, expert-delivered GCSE and A level online booster sessions are perfect for revision and delving deeper into specific topics. With a schedule of three GCSE events per week and one for A level, your students can improve their topic knowledge and become more confident in using the concepts involved in their studies. A full list of booster sessions can be found at: bit.ly/4hYl7xV 4 BRING COMPUTER SCIENCE TOPICS TO LIFE Help your students better understand computer science topics by connecting them to the real world of work with Isaac careers video resources. Play the videos in your classroom before exploring a new topic. Then let experienced professionals introduce it and share what they do in their day jobs, helping students connect their studies to the real world. Watch the videos at : bit.ly/42TXJgR 5 ‘I BELONG IN COMPUTER SCIENCE’ JOURNEYS Learn from passionate educators within the Isaac community, as well as recently graduated computer scientists and industry professionals who are doing amazing things in a huge range of computing-related fields. Inspire your students into various careers linked to computer science by showing the range of opportunities available – from game design to software engineering. Read the stories for yourself via: bit.ly/4hzVJPv Get started Register on our online platform and bring all your students on board; you can then set homework and gameboards for them to complete Join the GCSE and A Level Booster events delivered by knowledgeable and engaging computer science specialists See what to focus on when setting areas for improvement in your lessons and track your students’ progress through them Further enrich your students’ learning by deploying additional resources, such as our career videos and ‘I Belong in Computer Science’ posters REASONS TO TRY… 30 SECOND BRIEFING High quality, online learning materials for classroom, homework and revision use, saving teachers three hours of work a week! Our team of experienced subject experts have written resources that cover all topics in the leading GCSE and A level Computer Science specifications. Contact: Isaac Computer Science is delivered by the National Centre for Computing Education, with funding from the Department for Education; visit isaaccomputerscience.org 5 PA R T N E R C O N T E N T 40 teachwire.net/secondary