Teach Secondary Issue 14.2
Science Museumhas partnered with organisations such as the Environment Agency and the Fragrance Foundation, which have presented young people with unexpected applications of STEM skills and fascinating glimpses into the world of technicians. It’s well known that many young people struggle withmisconceptions around jobs in STEM; that they’re solitary, only for the academically gifted or ‘ important, but not for me ’ (see bit.ly/TI24-T3 ). Through Technicians: The David Sainsbury Gallery and Careers Uncovered sessions, the Science Museum is challenging these stereotypes. Inspiring aspirations Technicians are critical thinkers, and will regularly work together to solve problems creatively. All sorts of people become technicians, and will go on to work in a diverse range of settings – fromnuclear power stations and farms, to factories and film sets. The skills they develop and use in their careers are moreover transferable to many other roles. To encourage young people to aspire to become technicians, they’ll need to know about the different routes in. There are many different technical career pathways, and the abundance of choice can be overwhelming. Post-16, there are A Levels, T-levels, and apprenticeships. For 18+, there are an array of university and Higher Technical Qualifications to choose from. At Technicians , students can learn about the different entry routes for multiple roles, while in Careers Uncovered , they can find out more by talking to people who have previously travelled those career paths and experienced those roles first-hand. In our evaluation, young people and teachers at KS3/4 find that the Technicians gallery creates an awareness of previously unfamiliar STEMprofessions. Young people value the opportunity to speak to STEM professionals, and feel inspired to find out more. By meeting and connecting with technical professionals, and discovering the wealth of diverse roles across many different sectors, we hope that young people canmore easily see themselves as technicians in future, and better understand the steps needed to make that happen. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jamie Sloan is Schools and Families Manager at the Science Museum Group “Itwas an informal environment…[the students] didnot feel intimidatedor shy. Itwas avery inclusiveand safe space toget involved” – TEACHER 33 teachwire.net/secondary C A R E E R S TEACH SECONDARY SPECIAL CAREERS
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