Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

Expand your students’ creative and professional horizons by showing them how to go about pursuing a career in the screen industries... Into Film 1 RESOURCES THAT CONNECT Careers in the screen industries span all subjects, skills and interests. Whatever you teach, you’ll find free resources linking curriculum learning to careers. Heads of year, careers teachers and leaders can access ready-made content for school-wide programmes, form times or assemblies, Showing young people how subject learning connects to the world of work, identifying in-demand skills and setting career goals can all boost engagement and attainment. Our ready to use resources make it easy to integrate careers insights into your classroom. 2 FREE TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Looking for quick, free training to boost your knowledge? Our screen careers CPD offers the latest insights, key messaging and top resources. Take short (under an hour) courses like ‘Supporting Screen Careers Conversations’ or ‘First Jobs in Film and TV’. Prefer interactive sessions? Join webinars on ‘Getting into the Screen Industries’ or ‘Screen Careers: Finding the Right Fit’. Visit intofilm.org/careers for upcoming dates, or contact us for more information. 3 A BRIDGE BETWEEN INDUSTRY AND EDUCATION Our partnerships with screen industry organisations – including BFI, BAFTA, Warner Bros, ITV, C4, Aardman, Sky Studios and more – mean you can be sure that the resources, training and events we offer are industry-standard, up-to-date and impactful, packed with insights into what a career in the screen industries might look like and what it takes to make a success of it. Our encounters are meaningful and two-way, giving your students the chance to ask questions of professionals who work on a wide range of productions. 4 CAREERS EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE We take careers seriously, and our team have substantial expertise and experience in careers development, industry insight and work experience delivery. We understand the screen industries, bust myths and uncover the latest trends so you don’t have to. Our resources, training and events align with careers benchmarks and standards, including the revised Gatsby benchmarks in England, supporting Ofsted, Estyn, ES or ETI inspections. As an affiliate member of the Career Development Institute, you can be confident that our content is ethical, impartial and trustworthy. 5 IMPROVING ACCESS TO SCREEN CAREERS, FOR ALL At Into Film, we want to ensure that the young people who are least likely to have access to screen industry careers get the most support in exploring or pursuing opportunities in the sector. All state schools and colleges can access our offer, but we do offer a little bit extra to settings with higher than average free-school meals, or located in our priority regions. We open doors to career opportunities. Sign up to a free account with Into Film to find out what you can expect. Need to know Into Film covers film, TV, animation, and VFX, demystifying career opportunities in the screen industry and making them accessible to educators and young people. The Teachers Careers Hub offers free CPD training, curriculum-linked educational resources and advice to help meet benchmarks and improve your knowledge of the screen industries. Roles in the screen industries are diverse, but in high demand – we help teachers navigate what opportunities are available, while supporting young people’s interests via our go-to Careers Hub. An Into Film account is free. We currently have more than 75,000 registered teachers from 23,000 UK-based schools and colleges, with over 1.5 million teaching resources downloaded. REASONS TO TRY… 5 30 SECOND BRIEFING Into Film is the UK’s leading charity for film in education and the community. We provide educators with the latest essential information, guidance and free resources needed to advise young people (11-18) on opportunities across the screen industries. Contact: Into Film supports the whole of the UK with offices in London, Salford, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. Contact the Careers Team via screencareers@intofilm.org , or visit intofilm.org/careers PA R T N E R C O N T E N T 30 teachwire.net/secondary