Teach Secondary Issue 14.2

THE TS GUIDE TO… CAREERS We take a look at the benefits to be had from not just telling students about the careers options available to them, but actively showing them 28 LAYING THE GROUNDWORK Alex Frappell explains how the careers provision offered at St Martin’s School in Brentwood starts early and builds over time 31 LEARNING EXPERIENCE Angela Edwards reflects on the efforts that went into organising Gloucestershire’s largest ever educational employment outreach event – and what local schools got out of getting involved... 32 LET’S HEAR IT FOR… THE TECHNICIANS Jamie Sloan looks at how students can be made more aware of the vital differences technicians are making across all areas of society INTHIS SECTION 27 IN FIGURES: HOWMUCHWORK EXPERIENCE ARE PUPILS DOING? 3 TEACHWIRE ARTICLES FROM THE ARCHIVES EVERYTEACHER IS A CAREERS TEACHER There’s a good chance that you’re already linking curriculum learning to careers, says Liz Painter –so why not make those links even clearer and more engaging for your students? tiny.cc/142special1 8 STEPS TO SUCCESS Debby Elley highlights some supportive steps that teachers and careers advisors can take when helping neurodivergent students enter the world of work tiny.cc/ 142special2 ACADEMIA ISN’TTHE ONLYROUTE There are many paths that can lead young people into a successful and fulfilling living, says Edd Williams – and great careers advice should take that into account… tiny.cc/142special3 77.9% of secondary schools recorded some pupils as having done work experience in Y10 equivalent to at least 1 or more sessions (one session being half a school day, as confirmed by morning and afternoon registrations) 9.3 The average number of sessions completed by those pupils able to undertake work experience placements, amounting to just under five days 3.4% of those pupils able to complete placements attended 20 or more work experience sessions (equivalent to at least two weeks) Source: ‘How many pupils are getting work experience?’ report issued by The Key Group (see tiny.cc/ts142-C1 ) 27 teachwire.net/secondary C A R E E R S