Teach Secondary 13.7

2 Making learning secure With the growing integration of technology into education, online safety has never been more vital. Dell Technologies and Intel offer comprehensive security solutions that safeguard students from cyber threats while enhancing classroom focus. Their advanced tools, such as hardware- based threat detection and remote management, make sure that schools can maintain a secure learning environment. For schools prioritising both safety and effective technology use, Dell and Intel stand out as trusted partners in creating a future-proof, secure educational experience. Learn more by scanning the QR code opposite: 3 Future-ready resources Equip your students for tomorrow’s workforce with the IBM SkillsBuild platform, offering over 200 expertly crafted resources – including lesson plans, rubrics and more. Designed with teachers and industry leaders, these materials help students develop crucial skills in ‘AI’, ‘Green Skills’, ‘Mindfulness’, and ‘Agile Methodologies’. Students can also earn digital badges to enhance their CVs and LinkedIn profiles, making them stand out in university and job applications. Containing resources tailored to all learning levels, IBM SkillsBuild fosters independence and growth. Inspire your students to become proactive problem-solvers and future leaders with content co-created by experts that include WWF-UK and the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre. Hark is working in collaboration with IBM to introduce IBM SkillsBuild to schools across the UK. Register now at harklondon.com/ibmskillsbuild 1 Motivation boost Do you have students struggling with attendance this term? We put students on the journey to renewed confidence, motivation and positivity about learning, acting as a bridge to reintegration. You can’t predict when students will need extra support or struggle with their attendance – so Academy21 is agile enough to always have immediate capacity to give students the support they cannot access elsewhere. Email Academy21 via contact@academy21.co.uk to find out about partnering with us to support your school, and learn about our full range of provision at academy21.co.uk What’s New? Our pick of the latest solutions and innovations for secondary education Create engaging coding lessons Designed with young learners in mind, the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s Code Editor helps make text-based programming easy and accessible for children aged 9 and up. By registering a new school account, you can confidently use the Code Editor in your classroom, knowing that your students’ data will be protected. Educators benefit from an intuitive interface when creating and managing student accounts, organising students into classes and assisting with password resets. Whether you want to help your students create original games and art using Python, or build websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the Code Editor lets you create your own custom coding projects. Register your school for a free account at rpf.io/code-editor-teach Bringing STEM to life Through the Royal Society’s Partnership Grants scheme, schools can apply to receive up to £3,000 to run an investigative STEM project in partnership with a STEM professional from academia or industry. The projects funded by the grants can cover any area(s) of STEM, and must provide students with opportunities to develop and embed key skills, such as research, problem solving and data handling. Through the scheme, students can also gain insights into potential careers through regular engagement with one or more STEM professionals. Lots of support is available from the Schools Engagement team, ranging from online introductory sessions, to feedback and guidance on applications. Find out more at royalsociety.org/partnership 4 5 teachwire.net/secondary PA R T N E R C O N T E N T 38