Teach Secondary 13.5

Schools’ teaching of the Holocaust has long included in-person visits byHolocaust survivors willing to discuss their experiences and answer students’ questions. The Holocaust Educational Trust has recently embarked on an initiative to preserve the voices and testimonies of Holocaust survivors –who are now in their 80s and 90s – so that they can be shared with future generations. The project forms part of the HET’s larger Testimony 360: People and Places of the Holocaust learning programme aimed at Y9-Y13, and consists of two components. The first sees Holocaust survivors interviewed and recorded with the aid of 3Dfilming rigs, and their responses processed and organised by an AI search tool. The end result is a ‘living portrait’ of the individual viewable via classroomdisplays and laptops, which can verbally ‘answer’ over a thousand different questions in a natural, lifelike way. The second component is a VR experience that lets students explore simulated locations connected to survivors’ memories – from their childhood homes, to the sites where they were subsequently imprisoned. Manfred Goldberg BEM, the first Holocaust survivor to complete the filming process, remarks that, “ I have spoken to thousands of pupils over the years - perhaps now I will make it millions. If this is my legacy, it will be a truly remarkable one. ” To sign up, visit het.org . uk/testimony360-signup Got a great learning idea? Email editor@teachsecondary.com or tweet us at @teachsecondary 1-MINUTE STUDENT CPD ZEPH BENNETT IS A PE TEACHER AND SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT LEADERWITH 25 YEARS’ TEACHING EXPERIENCE; YOU CAN FIND MORE OF HIS EDUCATIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY FOLLOWING @PEGEEKSCORNER TRENDING Our pick of the recent resources and launches teachers might find useful... AUTOMATIC FORTHE PEOPLE OakNational Academy is now giving teachers access to an experimental,AI-assisted lessonplanning tool calledAila. Via a step-by-stepprocess, users can instructAila to produce resources and even whole lessonplansmatched to specific requirements, locations or approaches – such as a geography lessonbased around a local landmark, or a reading passage tailored to a specific reading level. l abs.thenational.academy/aila ALLMAPPEDOUT Anewonline information resource is seeking to raise awareness of the logistics sector among KS3 toKS5 learners.TheGeneration Logistics EducationHub features an extensive libraryof downloadable, curriculum- mapped resources and activities for use inbusiness, careers andmaths lessons. educationhub. generationlogistics.org On the radar 5WAYS TO USE ACTIONABLE FEEDBACK SOME QUICK TIPS FOR HELPING STUDENTS DEVELOP BETTER STUDY ROUTINES... 1 REDRAFTWORK Going back over your work, and making corrections or adding some more detail, will help embed that knowledge into your long-termmemory 2 REPEAT/ REHEARSE Revisit specific questions, topics or themes and answer questions on them; practising exam- style questions builds fluency and aids memorisation 3 RESPOND Revisit a piece of work, review the feedback and try to improve on the work; this can be effective as a spaced task several weeks after initial submission to identify any gaps 4 RETEST Retake the test, redo the quiz, practice the questions, eliminate any errors and try to improve your level of consistency as much as possible 5 RESEARCH Struggling with a concept, received feedback and still need clarification? Research the topic further, elaborate on the question and add more detail Testimony 360 L E A R N I N G L A B 95 teachwire.net/secondary