Teach Secondary 13.5

MANDELA: THE LONG WALKTO FREEDOM (2013, 147 MINUTES, 12) CURRICULUM LINKS: History, politics, citizenship NelsonMandela’s release fromprison in 1990 was celebrated around the world, as South Africa finally ended its brutal systemof apartheid,which had denied Black citizens the most basic civil rights. By the time of his death (onemonth before this film’s London premiere), NelsonMandela was universally adored and respected, and stood as an icon for peace. Starring British actor Idris Elba, the film opens on the periodwhenMandela was labelled a dangerous terrorist and jailed for sabotage, before telling the incredible and inspirational story of his subsequent incarceration and eventual triumphant release. Discussion questions: • Before the film– what words do you associate with the name ‘NelsonMandela?’ • Did anything surprise you about the way that this filmportrayed NelsonMandela’s life? •Were there any sections of the filmthat you thinkworked better than others, or that you found especially powerful? Head online to intofilm.org to streamthis film for free anddownload thefilmguide containingTeacher’sNotes; lookout also for our resources page tomarkNelsonMandela Day,which takes place onThursday 18thJuly 2024 - see bit.ly/ts135-NL2 formore details A F E W M I N U T E S O F D E S I G N Redraw or trace the shape below. The shape is unfinished. Finish it in a logical and pleasing way so that the outline is continuous. Chris Curtis @Xris32 Today is the last day of secondary school formy daughters.Why is it people expect you to be sad? I walked away froma hospital with themboth hooked up to life support, thinking theywouldn’t last a night, when first born. For that fact alone, I can only feel joy. James Eldon @EldonPrincipal In the park, celebrating withY11 after physics exam. Lots of tears and love.A group of last year’s Y11 walk by and join in. Then some students fromtwo years ago walk by and tell us about finishing college and their ambitions.Our amazing Y11 team then basking in love.Magic. Follow us via @teachsecondary – and let us knowwhat you’re thinking Retweets Who’s been saying what on Twitter this month? Get Into Film TEACHER TAL ES True stories fromthe education chalkface ‘Three chairs’ During an Ofsted inspection at a highly exclusive independent girls’ school, the three inspectors decided to attendmorning assembly. After introducing the inspectors to the assembled girls, the head suddenly realised there were no available chairs among the seatedmembers of staff for the inspectors to sit on. Briskly, the head clapped her hands and,with some urgency, requested ‘ Three chairs! ’ for the inspectors... ...whereupon a significant number of the girls in the hall loudly respondedwith “ Hip, hip – HOORAY... ” Fromthemouths ofbabes I can still recall the time when I once had to take a 12-year-old prop forward toA&E, after he’d shed blood on behalf of his rugby teammates during a hard-fought match. Upon arrival,we checked in at reception. When asked if he’d been to the hospital before, he replied that he had.After some minutes of checking, and having failed to find any records, the receptionist asked if he was sure.The boywas adamant that he had, some twoweeks ago. After yet more checking and running queries by colleagues, the receptionist apologised for not being able to locate his missing details and askedwhat he had previously been admitted for. “ I came in to seemy granddad, ” replied the boy. Just another day’s work at a busy hospital reception, I suppose… Have amemorable true school tale or anecdote ofyour own? Share the details, andfindmore amusing stories, at schoolhumour.co.uk #31 F INI SHING WELL 09 teachwire.net/secondary N E WS | J U L / A U G