Teach Secondary Issue 13.4

JOKER (2019, 122 MINUTES, 15) CURRICULUM LINKS: Film studies, psychology Arthur Fleck is an aspiring stand-up comic living in GothamCitywho can’t seemto catch a break. Suffering froma condition that makes himbreak out intomaniacal laughter whenever he feels anxious,Arthur’s fragile mental state becomes evenmore unstable after he’s told his funding for psychiatric support will be withdrawn. With his life on the edge,Arthur adopts a newpersona as ‘the Joker’, and turns to a life of crime that will see him rise to the fame he always craved. Discussion questions: • Howdoes the filmand its performances portrayArthur’s transformation into the Joker? • Howdo you feel about Joker ’s portrayal of mental health? • Howwould you describe the film’s overall message and underlying ideology? • Are there any‘good’ or ‘moral’ characters in Joker ? •Watch the staircase scene – why do you think the filmmakers included it, andwhat were they trying to portray? Head online to intofilm.org to streamthis film for free anddownload thefilmguide containingTeacher’sNotes. Lookout also for ourfilms, resources and guides to support workaround themes ofmental wellbeing – see intofilm/mentalwellbeing formore details A F E W M I N U T E S O F D E S I G N Redraw or trace the shape below. The shape is unfinished. Finish it in a logical and pleasing way so that the outline is continuous. Emily-Grace Folorunsho @MissFolorunsho Me: What do you remember from last lesson about HenryVII? Student: He is currently dead. I really lovemyyear 7s! They alwaysmake me laugh. Jon Biddle @jonnybid Toldmy class I had ameeting with the governors this afternoon. Some of them got quite excited and thought I had a meeting with the government.One of them then askedme if I’d ask Rishi Sunak to do something about the cost of crisps in the Tesco at the top of our school field. Follow us via @teachsecondary – and let us knowwhat you’re thinking Retweets Who’s been saying what on Twitter this month? Get Into Film TEACHER TAL ES True stories fromthe education chalkface Most illuminating Following the installation of our new sports hall, its lights were now activated fromthe corridor. One day, a teacherwanting to use the hall asked at the PE office how to turn the lights on. For a laugh, I informed himthat the lights were voice activated, and offered to showhimhow theyworked.A fellowPE teacher in the office realisedwhat I was up to, and stealthily followed us to the darkened sports hall. Upon entering the hall with the teacher, I shouted out ‘Lights On!’.As I did so,my colleague in the corridor duly flicked the switch. The teacherwas amazed. I suggested he try it himself, tomake sure his voice could be recognised, andmy colleague responded accordingly.We then left himto it. Some days later, the PE office telephone recorded an irate, expletive-ridden voice message fromthe teacher. It transpired he’d spent fiveminutes in a gloomy sports hall, vainly shouting for the lights to come on, and went to report the technical issue to the caretaker – who promptly chuckled, and showed himthe switch in the corridor… MrWho? Having spotted aY7 whowas looking a little lost, a teacher stopped to help.The boy explained that he was looking for amember of staff.When asked for the teacher’s name, the boy said he couldn’t remember, but that it was definitely aman. The teacher suggested that the boy try thinking a little harder, as that might jog his memory.After some thought, the boy confidently proclaimed“ It was aMr. Something! ” Have amemorable true school tale or anecdote ofyour own? Share the details, andfindmore amusing stories, at schoolhumour.co.uk #30 ONE OBJECT 100 WAYS 09 teachwire.net/secondary N E WS | M AY/ J U N E