Teach Secondary Issue 13.4
Readers may be familiar with Bloomsbury Publishing’s ‘Lit in Colour’ campaign, which seeks to support UK schools inmaking the teaching and learning of English and dramamore inclusive. As part of those efforts, the publisher is currently running a competition, whereby English Literature students aged between 13 and 19 are being invited to write an original, short theatrical scene on the theme of ‘Belonging’. The judging panel is formed of four award-winning playwrights – Lucian Msamati, Dipo Agboluaje, Tonderai Munyevu and Sudha Bhuchar –who will be looking for scenes that demonstrate creativity and imagination, and writing that portrays the importance of sharing stories on stage. Three winning entrants will receive hundreds of pounds worth of Bloomsbury books for their class or school, plus a bundle of theMethuen Drama plays comprising the 2023 Lit in Colour Play List. The winning scenes will be published on Bloomsbury’s Lit in Colour webpages, and then be performed at both the Lit in Colour Pioneers student day in July, and at Bloomsbury’s Lit in Colour 2024 launch event taking place later this year. The closing date for entries is 31st May 2024 , so why not get your students started on writing this week? The entry brief is well-suited for assignment as homework, or couldmake an engaging class activity. For more information and to download an entry pack, visit bloomsbury.com/ LitinColour Got a great learning idea? Email editor@teachsecondary.com or tweet us at @teachsecondary 1-MINUTE STUDENT CPD ZEPH BENNETT IS A PE TEACHER AND SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT LEADERWITH 25 YEARS’ TEACHING EXPERIENCE; YOU CAN FIND MORE OF HIS EDUCATIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY FOLLOWING @PEGEEKSCORNER TRENDING Our pick of the recent resources and launches teachers might find useful... INCLUSIVE RSHE TheDown’s syndrome charity Learn andThrive has launched a series of free onlinevideo lessons and other resources under the banner of‘The ChangingAdolescent Body’.The resources inquestion contain targeted guidance and advice onpuberty,personal hygiene and the process of growing up aimed at learnerswith SEND aged 7 to 25. bit.ly/ts134-LL5 LEARNABOUTLOGISTICS Teachers and career advisors maybe interested in a new online information resource that aims to raise awareness of the logistics sector among KS3 toKS5 learners.TheGeneration Logistics EducationHub features an extensive libraryof downloadable, curriculum- mapped resources and activities for use inbusiness, careers andmaths lessons. educationhub. generationlogistics.org On the radar 5 REVISION ESSENTIALS SOME QUICK TIPS FOR HELPING STUDENTS DEVELOP BETTER DAILY ROUTINES... 1 EXPERIENCE FAILURE When answering questions, it’s important that you fail, learn from your mistakes and repeat the process – because it’s failure that allows us to work on our weaknesses 2 SEEK OUT THE ANSWERS When you fail, find out where you went wrong, process the information and try again – seeking out those reasons will build your knowledge base and help you plug the missing information 3 PRACTICE UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT Repeatedly practice answering the exact style of questioning you’ll meet in the exam – the more you do, the more fluent your responses will be 4 PEER QUESTIONING Have a classmate or friend test you with questions to which you can respond verbally and do the same for them – talking through answers strengthens recall and highlights areas for focus 5 TAKE A BREAK This is essential when revising, as doing so improves concentration and accuracy – even a modest 10-minute walk can make you feel more positive when resuming your studies Belonging onStage: Student Competition L E A R N I N G L A B 81 teachwire.net/secondary
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