Teach Secondary Issue 13.4
teachwire.net/secondary BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE ON L I N E COUR S E £3 £25 Beginners 20hrs CPD Study from home Staff training Learn at your own pace Pay what you can : To enable more people to learn British Sign Language we are asking people to pay what they can for this course (minimum contribution of £3). InDependent Diabetes Trust P O Box 294, Northampton NN1 4XS www.iddtinternational.org Charity Number: 1058284 Registered Number: 3148360 EMAIL: martin@iddtinternational.org or TELEPHONE: 01604 622837 ASK FOR YOUR FREE COPIES TODAY DO YOU HAVE A CHILD IN YOUR CLASS WITH DIABETES? I N D E P E N D E N T D I A B E T E S T R U S T Type 2 Diabetes Management and Medication HELPLINE: 01604 622837 www.iddtinternational.org A charity supporting and listening to people who live with diabetes Diabetes What Schools Need To Know A charity supporting and listening to people who live with diabetes www.iddtinternational.org enquiries@iddtinternational.org PASSPORT FOR SCHOOLS my child’s diabetes needs IT GIVES SCHOOL STAFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT MY CHILD AND SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CARE scan me TRANSPORT YOUR STUDENTS TO JANE AUSTEN ’ S WORLD Chawton, Hampshire www.janeaustens.house DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR STATE SCHOOLS WORKSHOPS, TOURS AND VIRTUAL SESSIONS AVAILABLE Secondary Top School Trips Ad.indd 1 20/02/2024 10:49
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