Teach Secondary Issue 13.4
Leadership in CHOPPYWATERS THIS WAY! School improvement advice for headteachers and SLT SUPPORTIVE LEADERSHIP | EVERYDAY CPD | SCHOOL VISIT INSPIRATION L eadership is a critical aspect of any successful team. The ability to lead and guide a group towards a common goal is invaluable. Yet leading a team can be especially challenging in high-pressure situations, where uncertainty and stress can cause individuals to falter. In such situations, effective leadership canmake all the difference inmaintaining a sense of direction, purpose, and focus. The way leaders present themselves and interact with their teams can have a profound impact on a department’s overall culture. Positivity is contagious; those leaders who exude kindness, optimism and empathy will in turn create a positive, productive, and supportive environment for their employees. Too often, people in leadership positions forget that the role of a leader is to serve both their team and the mission. Serving as an officer in the British Army, and subsequently helping to train future leaders helped me understand this. The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst has a motto, ‘Serve to Lead’. The message it seeks to convey is that by caring for the wellbeing of their team, leaders not only demonstrate empathy, but also ensure that their team is physically and mentally capable of focusing on their goals. Empathetic relationships To build and maintain relationships with junior colleagues, it’s necessary to first create a sense of safety. By encouraging open and honest communication, you’ll be better placed to fully understand the challenges they’re facing. 55 teachwire.net/secondary L E A D E R S H I P
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