Teach Secondary Issue 13.4
Improve students’ fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension with a FREE four-week DreamBox Reading Plus pilot Scan the QR code to request a free pilot. Book your free pilot today info@readingsolutionsuk .com readingsolutionsuk.co.uk 0191 389 6078 In a four-week pilot, we expect your students to make significant progress, averaging: A six-month gain in comprehension levels. 20 words-per-minute increase in reading speed. Reading Plus is an adaptive, online reading development programme designed to improve fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. “By using Reading Plus, we feel that students who transition into KS4 are better prepared in their increased fluency and the range of texts they can access.” Andrea Creegan Curriculum Lead of English at Farringdon Community Academy. The patented Guided Window develops students’ fluency and stamina. Comprehensive data shows students’ skills gaps in fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
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