Teach Secondary Issue 13.4
ASK THE EXPERT “We empower breakthroughs” PGL’s Jay Richmond explains how the UNITE! and GROW! R.E.A.C.H. programmes spark learning outcomes outside the classroom EXPERT PROFILE NAME: Jay Richmond JOB TITLE: Sales executive AREA OF EXPERTISE: Outdoor education BEST PART OF MY JOB: Knowing that I’m helping to spark breakthroughs in students’ learning What expertise do you have that visitors can draw on? Research by PGL has highlighted how important learning outside of the classroom is for schools. In fact, over 80% of teachers rated it as ‘very important’. This inspired us to develop our new R.E.A.C.H. framework in collaboration with teachers: an action-packed, classroom-free range of activity programmes that put a fresh spin on how young people grow and develop.Whether the focus is relationships, experiences, ability, character, or health and wellbeing, our aim is to spark those breakthrough moments that you just can’t get from a textbook. What breakthroughs will my class make on their UNITE! programme? UNITE! adventures are designed to improve relationships, build bonds and harness the power of teamwork. Your Y7–9 students will enjoy a winning combo of thrilling adventure activities, team-building tasks and character-building challenges, plus free time for relaxing, socialising and having fun.Whether students are working together to achieve victory in archery tag, encouraging each other to brave the giant swing, or trusting their classmates on the Jacob’s ladder, each activity has been chosen for its amazing relationship-building powers! There is an emphasis on learning outcomes: boosting teamwork by overcoming challenges and celebrating success; enhancing communication skills through listening and sharing opinions; building relationships through shared experiences; growing confidence through mastering new skills; and encouraging empathy and understanding of others. What learning outcomes are achieved on a GROW! trip? On a PGL GROW! adventure, a range of activities, from dawn till dusk, will help your students boost their social and emotional skills.Whether they’re encouraging one another while 10 metres up on the abseil tower, overcoming fears on the zip wire, or building resilience while stand-up paddleboarding, each activity has been chosen for its character- building qualities. GROW! adventures focus on sparking breakthroughs: boosting independence through problem solving and managing self-motivation; building resilience so students can keep themselves mentally healthy; growing confidence and taking new-found leadership skills back to the classroom; and encouraging empathy and an understanding that difference is a positive – all essential lessons that your group will be able to take back home with them. How do you like to work with visiting groups? PGL are experts in supporting your students’ development. Time out of the classroom to harness the power of outdoor learning goes a long way towards inspiring breakthroughs in young people. It’s why we work closely with every school to deliver programmes that meet their needs.With a little support and the freedom to try new things, young people can R.E.A.C.H. new heights, and we hope you’ll see the benefits long after they return to the classroom too.Whether you opt for a UNITE! or a GROW! programme, the PGL team are on hand every step of the way to make your life easier and their adventure unforgettable. ASK ME ABOUT LOCATION – With 15 centres to choose from, your nearest PGL adventure is never far away! 95% of UK schools are within a two-hour drive of us. DURATION – UNITE! and GROW! programmes are best enjoyed over 3–5 days, with a range of accommodation options and three nutritious meals a day included. Why PGL? – Coming from industry experts, a PGL age-relevant programme is perfect for your students, and we have options for all budgets. schoolsandgroups.pgl.co.uk | T: 0333 321 2114 | E: schools@pgl.co.uk PA R T N E R C O N T E N T 11 teachwire.net/secondary
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