Teach Secondary - Issue 13.2

Pay attention, arts and humanities teachers – if you believe coding has nothing at all to do with your practice, think again, says RobWraith ... C oding is everywhere. It governs how our mobile devices, smartwatches and cars operate. It’s what drives our websites, analyses our shopping habits and brings our smart TVs to life. So prevalent has it become that we don’t even realise when we’re interacting with it. Code is, after all, the word we use to describe any set of instructions that contain rules for completing certain actions or outcomes. These instructions will typically be written in a programming language such as Java, Python or C#, and deployed in ways that enable our digital technologies to function. Command creativity Coding is also fun. Really, it is. The act of writing code can provide a genuine sense of achievement when you succeed in bringing together a set of commands in order to perform a task and remove the need for manual intervention in future. What’s more, this creative aspect of coding can encourage the development of essential skills and attributes that can be readily utilised and developed in the context of other subjects – such as problem solving, skills of analysis, patience and confidence. Before looking at a few practical examples and how they can be applied, it should be noted that there are some all-purpose concepts arising from coding that are fast becoming essential areas of knowledge for navigating the wider world. Whatever your particular specialism or field of interest, it behoves us all to develop at least some understanding of data privacy, cybersecurity, digital rights and the wider societal implications of technological advances. The more well-versed we can be in these areas, the more likely it is we’ll see the development of robust regulations to ensure that the products of coding are informed by ethical considerations. So with that said, how can the knowledge and practice we learn from other subjects be usefully applied in the context of coding lessons? Rules and circumstances The writing of code to simulate a process will inevitably help you better understand the field that process is part of. Take the water cycle, for example – a core component of secondary phase geography. There are four main parts in the water cycle – evaporation, convection, precipitation and collection. Each of these is a specific action or outcome, but before they can be completed, a certain set of rules and circumstances have to met first. The same principles apply to coding. Utilising knowledge and practices gained in other subjects, and integrating these into coding lessons can significantly enhance the overall learning experience, provide additional support to students, and build valuable teaching and learning links across different curriculum subjects. Here, I will break down some working examples of this that youmay be able use in your own delivery. Different disciplines Mathematics: Use mathematical concepts like algebra, geometry, or statistics to illustrate coding principles. Explain how variables in coding are similar to algebraic variables, such as the value of x or y , and how geometrical concepts relate to the design and positioning of characters in games, as well as the calculation of trajectories to ensure that they’re realistic. Art and Design: Focus on using colour theory, balance and aesthetics. This could be linked to frontend web and app development and user interface/experience principles. Reference could be made to the hex numbers used to identify shades, as these are utilised in code to select and render colours. Science: When teaching simulations or data analysis we can refer to scientific theories and phenomena. These can help to show how coding is used inmodelling and analysing large data sets Coding contains MULTITUDES 58 teachwire.net/secondary