Teach Secondary - Issue 13.2

E ducators and leaders are increasingly turning to research evidence to help identify promising approaches and practices that have the potential to make a difference to pupils and communities. However, we know from our experiences of working in schools and teacher professional development that while many products and resources are now badged as being developed based on ‘evidence’, finding the time to access, engage with and actively question said research evidence can be extremely difficult. Leaders are liable to be bombarded with information regarding programmes and resources that make all manner of impressive claims – often courtesy of companies and organisations with a vested interest in selling those very same products or services. So, when faced with the vast quantities of evidence available, how do we know which sources are trustworthy and relevant to the problems we are trying to solve? The Education Endowment Foundation’s concise guide to using research evidence (see bit.ly/ts132-EEF1) Discoveries and DECEPTIONS HarryMadgwick and Kirstin Mulholland highlight the pitfalls educators should be wary of when weighing up the worth of education research includes information on what research evidence is – and is not – as well as the advantages and potential limitations inherent to different types of research. We hope the guide is able to help those involved in school improvement, and in the design and delivery of teacher development, to better reflect upon the role research evidence can play in educational outcomes and CPD activities. Above all, we hope it will prompt educators to consider what kind of evidence they’re using, as well as why they’re using it, and the ways in which it ought to be applied. This way, we can harness the collective knowledge of what has worked in the past to make a meaningful difference to teaching and learning in future. EDUCATION RESEARCH - AUSER’S GUIDE Build up a rich evidence picture When looking at any area of research, it’s important to always consider multiple studies from a range of sources so that you can identify any common themes and trends. Try to avoid ‘cherry picking’ research that confirms your existing beliefs, and instead take a broader view of the evidence base. Drawing from systematic reviews and meta-analyses that combine multiple previously published studies can help with this. For an example, see the EEF’s guidance reports, evidence reviews and Teaching and Learning Toolkit (bit.ly/ts126-EEFTK ). Look for variation in findings Remember that the devil really is in the detail.When engaging with research evidence, be watchful for any variations in findings across different studies and what the reasons behind those variations might be. For example, are there any groups of pupils for whom a given approach seems more, or indeed less successful? If so, why? Focus on the ‘how’ – not just the ‘what’ Look carefully at how a specific approach has been implemented before deciding on whether the elements that make that approach effective could be usefully applied to your context. The EEF’s Implementation guidance report provides some practical recommendations that may be useful when engaging with such questions (bit.ly/ts132-EEF2 ). Maintain criticality Be open to new ideas, while at same time adopting a critical approach to any claims you see being made. Look out for warning signs, such as claims which seem too good to be true, or vaguely referenced, non- cited mentions of ‘impact’. The EEF concise guide contains a list of red flags to mindful of when it comes to the reliability of evidence, which can be remembered using the mnemonic CLAIMS: C onclusions, L imitations, A pplicability, I ndependence, M ethods and S ample size. ABOUT THE AUTHORS HarryMadgwick is the EFF’s research and policymanager; Kirstin Mulholland is its senior associate for school engagement and evidence use – for more information, visit educationendowmentfoundation. org.uk 15 teachwire.net/secondary R E S E A R C H