Teach Secondary - Essential School Resource 2024/25
At Pilot, we aim to constantly innovate while sustainably limiting our impact on the planet. Transforming our pens to make them ever more eco-friendly is a genuine technological and human feat. We’re continuing to refine our efforts and improve our standards via an action plan based on four essential pillars – our ‘4R’s of ‘Recycle’, ‘Reduce’, ‘Refill’ and ‘Reclaim’. RECYCLE – Limiting our use of plastic to a strict minimum. The extraction of raw materials needed to produce plastic represents 77.8% of a pen’s carbon footprint, which is why, since the 2006 introduction of the Pilot Begreen range, we have preferred to use recycled plastic to make our pens. REDUCE – We’re all wrapped up in using less plastic. Since 2010, we have reduced quantities of virgin plastic by over 80% by using recycled plastic and FSC-certified cardboard. In 2020, we went even further. Our Begreen range is now available with 100% recyclable cardboard packaging. REFILL – Change the refill, not the pen. Over 60% of our products are refillable, which has enabled our end users to rethink how they consume. Using the same product several times, instead of throwing it away, is a gesture that’s simple, economical and ecological. RECLAIM – Less plastic in our oceans to reduce pollution. In partnership with the recycling company TerraCycle, Pilot is adding reclaimed ocean waste to the recycled PET material used to manufacture the Iconic B2P range. Pilot aims to offer a wide range of Begreen products to meet all your writing needs, at the same price and high quality as our standard products. More than a philosophy, the Pilot ‘WRITE BETTER WITH LESS’ principle represents our approach, which is aimed at reducing the ecological impact of our production while preserving the standards of quality and innovation in our writing instruments. K E Y S TAG E 3 A N D 4 WRITING IN A CHANGING WORLD pilotpen.co.uk info@pilotpen.co.uk 01628 537 100 C O N TA C T TAKE A LOOK ! Sustainable writing instruments for both teachers and pupils S U S T A I N A B L E • E C O N O M I C A L • I N N O V A T I V E • Q U A L I T Y NEED TO KNOW! 1 Back in 2006 we launched our Begreen range – eco-designed products that are 85% refillable and manufactured with a minimum of 70% recycled plastic. This pioneering approach has allowed Pilot to become the first manufacturer worldwide to offer more environmentally-friendly writing instruments. 2 B2P – from Bottle to Pen! In 2021, for the first time anywhere in the world, we began making use of plastic waste reclaimed from beaches in the composition of our B2P range. These pens are made of at least 86% recycled plastic bottles, of which 2.5%are recycled ocean plastic. 3 At the start of 2023, Pilot continued to demonstrate its environmental commitment by partnering with the Marine Conservation Society – the UK’s leading ocean charity. Pilot continues to make a charitable donation of 5p from the UK sale of every Pilot B2P Gel rollerball and B2P Ecoball. Essential School Resources 24-25 27 www.teachwire.net/secondary
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