Teach Secondary - Essential School Resource 2024/25

Academy21 is the UK’s leading online alternative provision specialist. We work in partnership with schools and local authorities to provide students who have additional needs or challenging circumstances access to the high-quality education they need and deserve. TAKE A LOOK ! A comprehensive curriculum and effective reintegration solution Every student deserves a high-quality education tailored to their needs. Academy21 is trusted by over 1,000 schools across 130 local authorities to deliver just that – excellent teaching and wellbeing support, with flexible commissioning and timetabling options. Having supported over 5,500 young people facing barriers to education last year, we stand out for the following reasons: A VARIED CURRICULUM We offer a comprehensive, balanced curriculum for Key Stages 3 and 4. Our core and additional courses help students close learning gaps and prepare to sit their GCSEs with more confidence. Plus, we deliver our provision via 100% live and interactive lessons to improve student engagement and reignite a love for learning. TRUSTED BY THE DFE We are the first alternative online provision to be accredited by the DfE. In our Ofsted report, our provision was noted for its ability to build confidence and support students in making progress and reintegrating into mainstream education. HYBRID OPTIONS Because we are 100% online and offer flexible scheduling, students can attend their physical school for part of the day to build confidence while taking other lessons online via Academy21. This split can be adjusted over time, enabling effective reintegration into mainstream education. ATTENDANCE AND REINTEGRATION Academy21 can help you meet the requirements set out in the DfE’s latest ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ guidance (see bit. ly/esr24-A21). It is an effective tool for removing barriers to education, and enables schools to adapt education for those with additional needs. K E Y S TAG E S 3 A N D 4 ONLINE ALTERNATIVE PROVISION C O N TA C T D F E - AC C R E D I T E D • F L E X I B L E • 1 0 0% L I V E • C O S T- E F F E C T I V E NEED TO KNOW! 1 “ Pupils’ attendance improves; evidence shows that the approaches taken enable pupils to make progress, and in many cases, successfully reintegrate back into their school or other educational placements. ” – Ofsted Accreditation Report 2024 2 “I was really struggling with my mental health and was certain I wasn't going to do my GCSEs this year. However, you all made me look forward to each of your lessons... I felt motivated and happy. Thanks to you I'm able to complete my GCSEs.” – Olivia, Y11 3 “Lilia was out of school due to health issues. Since she joined Academy21, the school has been very supportive. She is still on roll with her local school, and there has been really, really good communication between them, us and Academy21.” – Lilia’s mum, Coralie academy21.co.uk contact@academy21.co.uk 0800 208 8210 Essential School Resources 24-25 25 www.teachwire.net/secondary