Teach Secondary - Essential School Resource 2024/25
With four residential centres across Cheshire and North Wales, Conway Centres pride themselves on offering a unique residential experience that leaves a lasting impression for years to come… TAKE A LOOK ! Come and visit the ‘Best Residential Experience’ “I first brought a small group of students to the Conway Centre in 1974. I loved everything about the week as much as the students did... it was a life-changing experience. I returned with a wide range of students almost every year until my retirement from teaching. The best outdoor classroom ever!” – Retired Teacher With over 50 years of experience, schools go back to the Conway Centres year after year, confident that they will have a life-changing experience every time. Schools love that students (and teachers!) take away so much from their residential trip. “Great to see the life skills that our pupils gain from the residential. It is the one trip all pupils talk about for years after.” – Ashton on Mersey, visited in July 2024 At Conway Centres, they believe that there is so much children and young people can gain from a residential. Boosting confidence by tackling the high-ropes; bringing learning to life with a curriculum-linked residential; navigating their way through walking hotspots; working as a teamwhile canoeing – a residential at Conway Centres has many personal, academic, physical and social benefits. “When I was doing via Ferrata I had to step off a high ledge, and I said, ‘I can’t do it’ – and the instructor said, ‘I wouldn't tell you to do it if you couldn't do it’.” – Student visitor Schools and students often say that the highly qualified staff at Conway Centres is what truly sets them apart. At Conway Centres, the supportive teamwill encourage and support your pupils to believe in themselves. Whether they’re cheering on their friends from the sidelines, working with a team to create a raft before going out on the water, or wanting to push themselves out of their comfort zone, the Conway Centres’ expert tutors will support children in achieving the unachievable… K E Y S TAG E S 2 A N D 3 CONWAY CENTRES C O N TA C T R E S I D E N T I A L S • A DV E N T U R E • T E AMWO R K • C ON F I D E N C E NEED TO KNOW! 1 Nestled in the forest, the cosy Delamere centre is perfect for first time or younger visitors. 2 With its Iron Age replica roundhouse, the Burwardsley centre brings the history curriculum to life and is perfect for KS2 classes. 3 The centre set in Tattenhall village offers canoeing, tree climbing and zipwire activities. Tattenhall also specialises in providing immersive WW2 experiences, complete with its own Anderson shelter. 4 Anglesey is home to high adventure, making it perfect for older primary children and secondary students. With land-based, high- ropes, water-based and arts activities available, there really is something for everyone. conwaycentres.co.uk conwaycentres @edsential.co.uk 01248 714 501 Essential School Resources 24-25 23 www.teachwire.net/secondary
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