
Plays written by writers of colour for 11-18 year-olds to study and perform The ( Incomplete ) Lit in Colour Play List 2024 Download your free copy and choose your next play to teach at bloomsbury.com/LitinColour Can you recommend a further 60 plays by writers of colour that my students can explore in the classroom? Yes, we can This question posed to us by a secondary school teacher remains at the heart of all we do in the Lit in Colour campaign. This second ( Incomplete ) Play List is filled with more powerful stories, fascinating characters and varieties of lived experiences so students can discover the creativity, rewards and relevance they offer. The Play List recommends plays for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 with every play exploring a range of themes and concerns, all of which are representative of topics and issues that affect students today. With content warnings, themes and signposts to additional teaching resources, this List helps teachers to introduce any of these plays into secondary school classrooms. In collaboration with: Plays written by authors of colour for 11 - 18 year-olds (and beyond) The ( Incomplete ) Lit in Colour Play List bloomsbury.com/LitinColour 2 0 2 4