
MEETTHE SPEAKER “Learning isn’t effortless” Name: Rose Luckin Role: UCL professor and founder of Educate Ventures (educateventures.com ) Sessions: • ‘AI-powered pedagogical transformation: Visions of the 2040 classroom’ 22 nd Jan, 2:15-2:45pm, The Arena • ‘AI: Learn fast, act more slowly’ 23 rd Jan, 9:30-10:15am, The Arena • ‘AI, data and employability’ 23 rd Jan, 3:55-4.25pm, Ahead Auditorium What will classrooms look like in 2040? It’s hard to predict, but we’re seeing lots of enthusiasm across the English education system around AI. Obviously, not from everybody – there are still a lot of people not engaging with it, understandably, because they’ve got too many things on their plates. But there is engagement. However, for many educators, the key is having a basic understanding of how AI works and its implications, because it’s incredibly difficult to leverage it – both for pupils and for themselves, if they don’t have that skillset. So CPD is the cornerstone of this development? A lot of what will happen in the classrooms of the future depends on how people react to the technology.We know AI will be a factor, there’s no stopping that, so it’s essential for people working in education to have a say in, and knowledge of how this technology is going to be used. How far should educators be engaging with the ethical side of AI? We need to help students learn how to use the technologies appropriately. There’s a lot of emphasis on ‘academic misconduct’ – students using it for cheating and that kind of thing – but we have to help them see why that’s not a good thing to do. We should show them how to use the tools effectively, in ways that will actually help them far more than by cheating, but educators must be empowered in order to do that with their students. Otherwise, we risk getting caught up in where to assign blame – ‘Oh, they just want to cheat’ (which I don’t believe is the case). With some consumer AI tools, however, we’re being told they’re going to make our lives ‘effortless’. As an educator, that’s not a message I’m comfortable with, because learning isn’t effortless. And that’s a really important argument for why educators need to be part of the conversation, because we don’t want lots of technologies appearing on the market that are all about persuading learners that they don’t need to work hard any more. What role does Big Tech have in all this? Unfortunately, due to the nature of our society, there’s already a huge advantage gap between what independent and state schools are reaping from these new technologies. There’s so much that AI can do, but it will take significant investment for schools without big budgets. Big Tech can help with that – they will gain an awful lot from selling their products in the education sector, so they could help us with some of our key challenges, such as the SEND crisis. Our system is under incredible strain, and they could step up to assist. Rose Luckin is professor emeritus at UCL, and founder/CEO of Educate Ventures Research Limited – see educateventures.com for more details RECOMMENDS ONLINE EXPERTISE BBC Bitesize offers curriculum-linked self-study and home learning for secondary students. For 11- to14- year-olds, there are interactive activities and award-winning games that support homework and revision. Our revision resources for 14- to 16-year-olds include quickfire quizzes, exam-style questions, videos and podcasts. There’s also careers advice, study support and help for students on how to spot fake news via BBC Bitesize’s ‘Other Side of the Story’ section. BBC Teach is meanwhile home to a range of teacher-facing content, including short, curriculum-linked videos that bring the best BBC content into your classroom, educational campaigns and assembly plans – including one marking the 80th anniversary of Holocaust Memorial Day. Find us on stand SS71 . LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Visit HUE at STAND SM60 to discover how its award-winning HUE Animation Studio and HUE HD Pro Visualiser can bring any lesson to life. Teach topics like climate change or maths with stop-motion animation, magnify tiny wonders or record lessons for CPD – all of which are designed to encourage creativity in the classroom. Be the first to glimpse top secret product releases, and enter to win #HUEcameras. You Bett-er not miss HUE at STAND SM60 ! 39 teachwire.net/secondary I N A S S O C I AT I O N W I T H