Teach Secondary 13.8

CATEGORY FINALISTS: CLASSROOM.CLOUD | NetSupport SAFEGUARDINGAI | Real Training and Educate Ventures Research SATCHEL ONE | Satchel WINNERS SCHOOL BUSINESS HUBMIS WCBS wcbs.co.uk/hub/mis-cloud/ “A truly innovative MIS based around School Leadership drivers. This refreshing and innovative platform is designed with senior leaders in mind, delivering fast, highly visual and accessible information, without the need to filter data from complex reporting processes. The clever grouping of data by leadership responsibility allows for a truly collaborative approach to data sharing and review across senior teams. The ability to view live data, incidents, intervention and progress in the same place gives headteachers and their teams an extraordinary new ‘live action’ view of their schools. Every school leader will love this MIS!” – Hilary Goldsmith WHAT WERE WE LOOKING FOR? Products and services designed to address non-curricular, whole school needs in areas such as student administration, IT and finance KNOW MY SCHOOL 2Simple 2simple.com/know-my-school “Targeted at leaders preferring to take a methodical and structured approach to school evaluation,KnowMy School breaks the Ofsted framework down into visual categories,with example criteria and descriptors bywhich leaders can carry out a thorough self-assessment.The ability to attach evidence and‘prove’ grading offers a useful way of supporting both new and experienced leaders with all the figures, evidence and assessment needed for external school inspections.” –HilaryGoldsmith THE WORKING CLASSROOM Matt Bromley and Andy Griffith (Crown House Publishing) crownhouse.co.uk/the-working-classroom “Abold and unapologetic bookwhich challenges our preconceptions about the links between poverty and progress.Using amix of personal testimony, academic theory and professional expertise, the authors give practical and tangible examples of how schools can, and do level the playing field for their students by refusing to accept the societal expectations of progress across social classes.This challenging and refreshing approach fully explains not only the possible impact of change, but also provides leaders with the tools and knowledge needed to tackle inequality.” –HilaryGoldsmith 43 teachwire.net/secondary AWA R D S