TR&W Issue 20
Better writing outcomes, reduced teacher workloads Ready Steady Write! 1 TRANSFORM WRITING OUTCOMES ACROSS YOUR SCHOOL Ready Steady Write is an award- winning, evidence-based resource designed to raise standards in writing from EYFS to Year 6. By using high-quality literature at its core, it ensures a structured progression of skills through the clear sequence of Immerse, Analyse, Plan, Write. This approach fosters a deep understanding of writing and significantly improves outcomes, helping students develop as confident, capable writers, from early language acquisition to more advanced composition. 2 PROMOTE ORACY SKILLS FOR STRONGER WRITING Strong writing begins with strong verbal expression. Ready Steady Write emphasises oracy development through book talk and drama activities, helping students articulate their thoughts before putting pen to paper. For EYFS and Year 1, tools like Story Songs and Story Friends (Octopus Opening, Build Up Bear, Problem Penguin and Elephant Ending) make story structures more accessible and engaging, improving both verbal and written outcomes. 3 ADAPTIVE TEACHING – SUPPORTING THE LOWEST 20 PER CENT, SEND, AND EAL LEARNERS Ready Steady Write is designed to support all learners, including those in the lowest 20 per cent, SEND, and EAL children. Its focus on vocabulary development (supported by visual aids) and sentence accuracy ensures that all children can access the curriculum using our guidance documentation. This flexibility helps teachers and leaders close gaps in attainment, thereby raising outcomes for all. 4 REDUCED TEACHER AND LEADER WORKLOAD Effective teaching should not come at the cost of excessive workload. Ready Steady Write provides pre-prepared lesson plans, Example Texts, Daily Sentence Accuracy Work, soundscapes, image galleries and contextualised grammar, saving teachers time and effort. Leaders benefit from tools such as assessment and progression documentation, non-negotiables, and successful implementation guidance etc, which helps monitor progress across all year groups. 5 SUPPORT FOR WHOLE-SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Ready Steady Write offers structured support for school-wide writing improvement, ensuring consistency across all year groups. Skills build progressively to meet national curriculum expectations. Our expert consultancy team provides in-school professional development for teachers and supports leadership teams in maintaining high standards whilst fostering a culture of high- quality writing. KEY POINTS Research-informed approach: Our teaching sequence of Immerse, Analyse, Plan, Write helps children understand how writing works, enabling a clear footprint of learning in their books. Tailored support: Resources and guidance to support the lowest 20 per cent, SEND, and EAL learners, ensuring very child can access and succeed. Time-saving resources: A comprehensive suite of interactive resources to reduce planning time, so teachers can focus on teaching! School-wide impact: Our comprehensive support for leaders and teachers ensures consistency in teaching and progression across all year groups. REASONS TO TRY… 5 30 SECOND BRIEFING An award-winning structured, evidence-based writing resource for EYFS to Year 6. It improves writing outcomes and reduces teacher workload, offering ready-made lesson plans and consistent, high-quality writing instruction across all year groups. Contact: E: hello@ literacycounts. T: 07522 514759 URL: literacycounts. 66 | PARTNER CONT ENT
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