
Meet the author BROGEN MURPHY ON OUR CONNECTION WITH NATURE, AND THE WILD POWER OF IMAGINATION What would you like teachers to know about Wildlands ? Wildlands is an action-packed survival story that will appeal to a wide range of readers. But beyond the adventure, it’s an important story of hope – a rare positive vision of a future where nature is thriving, and people are living in harmony with the planet. It also gently explores themes of family, identity, and belonging, including issues around donor conception and what makes a family. It’s perfect for sparking discussions about the environment, rewilding, imagining our own futures, and the diverse ways families are formed. If you had to imbue young people with one fact about the environment, what would it be? You are not separate from nature – you’re a part of it, and it’s a part of you. Humans are animals too! A thriving nature means healthier, happier lives for all of us. The world could be so much more alive, vibrant, and magical than we can even imagine. Nature is astonishingly resilient – if we give it space and opportunity, it will recover in ways that delight and amaze us. The Wildlands in your story are a vast rewilding project in Britain. If you could visit one part of them, what would it be and why? The joy of being a writer is that I get to visit all parts of the Wildlands in my imagination. However, if I could go in real life, I would choose… the Buffer Zone! That’s the nice safe area around the edge of the project that’s actually meant for people, where there are signposted walking routes, and bird hides, and marked camping spots. That way I could still enjoy the wild landscape and amazing animals, without needing to be lost and hungry and scared. At least, that’s what a sensible person would do… Wildlands by Brogen Murphy (£7.99, Puffin Books), is out on 6th March 2025 www.teachwire.net | 87 Future Vision: Stories of Our Brilliant Tomorrow byDr CathyRogers and MadeleineRogers (12.99 HB, Button Books) Wildlands byBrogenMurphy (£7.99, Puffin Books) RESOURCES RECOMMENDED GRAMMAR BURST: DETERMINERS This Year 4 resource pack provides everything you need to teach a series of five lessons on determiners, culminating in an extended writing task where children can use their grammatical understanding in context. The pack is part of Plazoom’s Grammar Burst series, and includes challenge sheets, determiners cards, a model letter and writing plan, worksheets and more. Find it at tinyurl.com/ Plz-Y4determiners KS2 KS2 Twenty-five years from now, wolves and bears roam freely across a huge area of the UK. A high-speed train crosses the Wildlands, but people never enter – until the train makes a brief, unscheduled stop and two girls are left behind. With no way to call for help and almost nothing they can use, how will they get home? Convincing and affecting, this classic-in-the-making keeps things nail-bitingly real. A family secret complicates Astrid’s relationship with her sister, Indie, and flawed decision-making and sheer bad luck affect every aspect of their struggle to survive. But Astrid can still see beauty in the wilderness, and determination to help Indie keeps her going. Readers will be with her all the way. This book’s 12-year-old narrator lives in 2070. But what will our world be like then? Dysfunctional? Destroyed? Or transformed into something wonderful through technology, sustainability and teamwork? It’s easy to be pessimistic about the future, but positive change is also possible – IF we can imagine our tomorrows clearly enough to motivate us to work for them. Inspired by current scientific research, a sense of wonder, and good, old-fashioned optimism, this fully-illustrated ‘faction’ book explores a range of topics from homes and food to education, space travel and rewilding. Future Vision is fascinating, timely and energising, and really could start something. Read alongside Wildlands (also on this page) for additional impact.