
Cohesion and cohesive devices This Real Grammar resource pack provides everything you need to get your Year 5s creating cohesion within paragraphs. Pupils will learn how to use a variety of cohesive devices and explore short explanatory texts linked to the science and geography curriculums. The downloadable materials include teaching slides, worksheets and games. Visit tinyurl.com/PlzCohesion Breaktime News | Interviews | Ideas | Resources | Research 8 | www.teachwire.net BUILD SELF-ESTEEM Premier League Primary Stars has released the latest of its free resources, this time supporting pupils in celebrating their strengths and fostering self- confidence. The resources are KS2- suitable, and include team-building activities. Visit tinyurl.com/ tp-PLselfesteem STRONGER SHORES Check out these curriculum-based KS2 teaching packs consisting of lesson plans based around climate change, coastal erosion, coastal defences and careers, and contain videos, PowerPoint presentations, quizzes and more. Visit tinyurl.com/ tp-StrongerShores F EBRUARY / MARCH 3 INSTANT LESSONS... (You’re welcome) Get your steps in with JoeWicks The Body Coach Joe Wicks is encouraging schools across the UK to get moving and join the TCS Mini London Marathon in schools. The 2025 TCS Mini London Marathon takes place between Tuesday 22 April and Friday 2 May, and schools can join in by encouraging their pupils to run, jog, walk or wheel two miles in their school setting. The two miles can be done in one day or split over a number of days, and pupils can celebrate afterwards with a trophy awarded to all settings taking part. Schools will also get assembly packs and WWF-UK educational resources, including information on how to get involved in the charity’s Prescription for Nature campaign, which encourages people to get their daily dose of nature and to spend 20 minutes a day outside to boost mood, reduce anxiety and raise confidence. For more info, and to sign up, visit t inyurl.com/tp-MiniMarathon BRING STORIES TO LIFE HUE Animation Studio helps children develop storytelling skills through stop motion animation. HUE’s free resource pack includes comic strip templates, a storyboard, and backgrounds, all perfect for engaging classroom projects. Download now at bit.ly/4hH91ZW RESOURCES TODAY’S TOP © London Marathon Events