
6 | www.teachwire.net PUBLISHERS: Joe Carter Sam Reubin Richard Stebbing EDITOR: Charley Rogers charley.rogers@artichokehq.com GROUP ADVERTISING MANAGER: Samantha Law samantha.law@artichokehq.com 01206 505499 ADVERTISING MANAGER: Demi Maynard demi.maynard@artichokehq.com 01206 505962 ACCOUNT MANAGER: Kim Richards kim.richards@artichokehq.com 01206 505420 ART EDITORS: Richard Allen & Sarah Barajas ACCOUNTS: artichokemedialtd@integral2.com SUBSCRIPTIONS: subscriptions@artichokeHQ.com PUBLISHED BY: Artichoke Media Ltd. The views in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every effort is made to ensure the veracity and integrity of the companies, persons, products and services mentioned in this publication, and the details given are believed to be accurate at the time of going to press. However, no responsibility or liability whatsoever can be accepted for any consequence or repercussion of responding to information or advice given or inferred. Copyright Artichoke Media Ltd. FEATURES 21 SKILLS, AND THEN SOME Helping SEND pupils engage creatively with the world through tech pays dividends 26 CONFIDENCE TRICKS Inject the power of positive thinking and help improve pupils’ self-esteem 27 FAIR GAME Some small adaptations can improve inclusive PE and add to enjoyment for the whole class 30 A UNIQUE SPACE FOR SEND A bit of creativity, plus some elbow grease, has transformed an out-of-date space into a haven 35 HOW TO SPOT WHISPERING TALENTS Identifying untapped potential in your pupils requires leaning into a little nurturing 36 COMING THROUGH! The curriculum may be busy, but spatial reasoning should still be the centre of maths 39 THE WHO AND WHAT OF PUPIL DATA How can you utilise everything you know about your class to improve your practice? 43 THIS WAY! Our leadership focus this issue asks how we can best recruit and keep top-notch staff 47 REAL SCHOOLS A passionate SLT has transformed the once-failing Hogarth Primary School into a vibrant, inspiring community LESSON PLANS 90 ART Fly over Wicked fields of colour 92 MFL Animate the budding linguists in your class by making your own stop-motion movies 94 GEOGRAPHY, ICT See volcanic eruptions in action with AR 69 WRITE THIS WAY Jump aboard Shackleton’s ship and use a laser focus to make children’s writing leap off the page 72 HOW TO TEACH RECOUNTS Help pupils craft engaging writing using recollections of past adventures and imagination 74 WAGOLL Peer inside the mind of the author and help pupils understand how to write a tantalising teaser intro 77 BOOK TOPIC Step through the droplets and let Marina take you on a journey of emotional discovery, with The World Between the Rain 82 ADVENTURE TIME Let pupils fearlessly fly away on their own imaginations, leaving their worries about poetry behind 84 EASY AS ONE, TWO, THREE Focus on a few simple steps to really improve reading comprehension 86 BOOK CLUB We review five new titles that your class will love