
PARTNER CONT ENT www.teachwire.net | 55 Totally in tune Specialist products and services to help you compose your best lessons The benefits of music learning are well documented, yet many teachers feel they lack the confidence and expertise to teach music well. Charanga is used in schools UK-wide to help teachers like you deliver high-quality, progressive music lessons. We give you all the resources, training and everyday support you need to teach music brilliantly. From schemes and assembly packs to song libraries, fantastic class activities and beginner-friendly music tech projects, choose what you need to help the children (and you!) find their inner musician and feel great about their music lessons. Learn more at www.charanga.com Find your inner musician What a Hullabaloo! Hullabaloo! is a fully planned and resourced music curriculum from nursery to Year 6. You don’t need to be an expert to teach music confidently with this award-winning scheme. It’s easy to use, packed with high-quality planning and resources, and ensures full curriculum coverage. So say goodbye to boring, complicated lessons – Hullabaloo! transforms music teaching from dull to dazzling! “Excellent scheme of work that engages the children, empowers the teachers, and provides a holistic approach to music. The children are enjoying a new innovative scheme and a renewed love of music lessons.” – Yvette Pullen, teacher, Ryelands Primary School See teachhullabaloomusic.com for a 30-day free trial, or call 01254 779142 / email hello@teachhullabaloomusic.com 3 Lead with confidence Music Education Solutions® offers a unique training programme for subject leaders, the Primary Music Leadership Certificate. This term-long blended learning programme is designed specifically to help you with the leadership aspects of your role, including planning and resourcing a curriculum, supporting teaching staff to raise the quality of teaching and learning in music, and creating and managing an extra-curricular programme. Delivered by national music education expert Dr Liz Stafford and certified by Music Education Solutions® this programme offers a unique opportunity to share ideas with other subject leaders from across the UK and beyond. Visit musiceducationsolutions.co.uk visit admin@musiceducationsolutions.co.uk or call 0330 133 4123 for more. 2 1 4 Raise your voice Develop early musical skills with fun, engaging, and accessible singing resources and training that foster lifelong learning. ABRSM Voices is a flagship portfolio of support, empowering EYFS providers to nurture a love of singing and embed musical development into all areas of learning, from the earliest stages through bespoke curriculums, expert-led training, and engaging, child-centred initiatives. Voices is led by Jenny Trattles and Charles MacDougall. We’ll be working with them and a team of expert practitioners to deliver tailored support that will help organisations, teachers and learners to achieve their singing goals. Find out more at abrsm.org/voices or email voices@abrsm.ac.uk Inspiring and catchy musicals The School Musicals Company has set about changing the landscape of traditional school musicals, offering beautifully presented, carefully crafted, engaging and exciting stories with catchy, contemporary songs, perfectly pitched to enthuse and inspire young performers. All of the recordings accompanying the musicals for schools are fully orchestrated, professionally recorded and integral to the production, driving the narrative and enhancing the action, and the shows have been staged in more than 80 countries around the world. See theschoolmusicalscompany.com for more. 5