
MUSIC SPECIAL INSIDE THIS SECTION T EACH PR I MARY MUS I C SPEC I A L I N AS SOC I A T I ON W I TH 53 Moulding maestros Playing classical music to your pupils doesn’t have to elicit groans. With some practice, they could become aficionados 57 Video didn’t kill the radio star Tech has helped bring us the music we love, so don’t exclude digital from lessons 58 Know, recreate, create Creativity + a knowledge-led curriculum = disaster? Not necessarily... 63 Managing musical mayhem It’s easy to get lost in the clamour and the clangour of music lessons, but there are some simple tools to avoid a real racket 66 Stay composed Focusing on four essential elements allows rewards to outweigh the risks when teaching children how to write music Inspire your inner musician Over 70,000 teachers use Charanga’s online platform to help them teach music, and more than 2.5 million children in 64 countries enjoy a Charanga-supported music lesson every week. Charanga is best known for its award-winning music curricula, technology, CPD, and teacher training. The company also has a 25-year history of partnering with music hubs and services, national and state governments, and others, advancing ambitions for positive change in music education. www.teachwire.net | 51