Books and resources to support literacy and ensure reading progression for all children Rocket Phonics and Reading Planet 1 CREATING FIRM FOUNDATIONS The pace of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme is more gradual than that of many others. It introduces two sounds rather than four per week, giving pupils with SEND more opportunity to ‘keep up rather than catch up’. The whole-class approach of Rocket Phonics means that SEND children are included in the ‘input’ part of the lesson, and can apply what they have learnt at their own level. We have guidance in our online subscription and documents available for extra support when children are falling behind. 2 ENGAGEMENT AND INTERACTION Rocket Phonics digital Big Books make learning phonics an immersive, and highly visual experience. New grapheme-phoneme correspondences are presented in context, making them meaningful and memorable. Online games in the Big Books are a particularly fun way to engage SEND pupils, and they can be played again and again to reinforce learning and confidence. In our online libraries, learners can also play audio (which syncs to the text) and undertake simple self- marking comprehension quizzes which they can complete at their own pace and level. 3 A TOTAL LITERACY SOLUTION We can also provide termly assessments, gap-analysis and interventions through our assessment platform PiRA (Progress in Reading Assessment) and Shine. PiRA allows teachers to generate diagnostics, addressing areas learners find more challenging. Shine provides both individual and group gap-analysis and links to resources providing interventions to support teachers addressing specific areas in reading and other skills. Used in conjunction with Reading Planet, they provide a total literacy solution. 4 FOR RELUCTANT READERS With dyslexia-friendly fonts and graphic novels, our Reading Planet Astro series, edited by children’s author Tony Bradman, provides exciting dual-banded reading level books to help children get hooked on books. Lower reading levels are combined with age-related interest levels to create fiction and non-fiction that is accessible and appealing. Plus, the first 24 books in the series are highly decodable, ideal for phonics practice and revision. Astro also includes a range of fun mini-series for children to enjoy, with gripping themes from dangerous dragons to spooky schools! 5 CPD TRAINING Finally, we can provide the perfect starting point for schools in the form of a day of CPD training with phonics expert Abigail Steel to provide a solid foundation for all staff in successful Rocket Phonics teaching, covering subject knowledge, teaching in practice, and leadership and assessment, with additional half-day courses available to ensure continued success, including a course tailored to supporting SEND learners. To trial Rocket Phonics, Reading Planet or assessment resources, contact our team via email on primary@hachette.co.uk or by calling 01235 400 555. KEY POINTS Rocket Phonics and Reading Planet can be used with assessment platform PiRA and Shine to support interventions CPD training with author Abigail Steel is available to help schools implement the Rocket Phonics approach We provide a range of additional courses to support different needs, with more planned for 2025 Request additional information on using Reading Planet resources to assist SEND children by contacting primary@hachette.co.uk REASONS TO TRY… 5 30 SECOND BRIEFING From wordless and first-words books to titles for fluent readers, Reading Planet ensures you’ll have a reading programme at the right level that appeals to all children, including learners with SEND. Contact: Visit: hachettelearning.com/reading Email: primary@hachette.co.uk Phone: 01235 400 555 © DGLimages www.teachwire.net | 29 PARTNER CONT ENT
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