PERIMETER-TER-TER! 8 TIMES FUNK HOW MANY GRANNIES? THE ‘MEAN’ SONG THE SHAPE SONG DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN FILTER YOUR SONG SEARCH BY MATHS AND EVEN BY TOPIC? What have you got to brighten up my January? We’re all about jolly and joyful Januarys – here’s some stuff to get you smiling: AND WE’RE ONLY SCRATCHING THE SURFACE! Grab yourself a free trial to get FULL access for 30 days over at sparkyard.com BSL & MAKATON VIDEOS NEW SONGS TO CHECK OUT: ‘GOOD, GOOD DAY’ ‘COME RAIN OR SHINE’ ‘THE NEW YEAR SONG’ SONGBOOKS 100 S OF SONGS! HERE ARE A FEW TO GET YOU STARTED: OVER 100 CURRICULUM LINKS & CREATIVE IDEAS ASSEMBLY RESOURCES TREAT BOX SONG-GENERATOR SPRING INTO LIFE ASSEMBLY 1 SUPER SEEDS ENGAGE WONDER TALK ABOUT BIBLE BIT RESPOND PRAYER GO DEEPER DISPLAY a slide containing five images of spring growth, e.g. buds, chicks, new leaves, a sapling, daffodils AND an image of a pebble or rock. ASK Which is the odd one out and why? DISCUSS the characteristics of living things, e.g. growing or moving; food or water; breathe or respire; reproduction in order to conclude that the pebble is the odd one out. (Use scientific terms as age appropriate.) INVITE children to hold up a variety of seeds or bulbs for the assembly to see, e.g. a flower bulb, an acorn, an avocado stone or a large seed (e.g. a sunflower seed). Display a slide of images showing these seeds at maturity (daffodil, oak tree, avocado fruit tree, sunflower). WITH TALK PARTNER What will each of these seeds become? Can you match the seed with its ‘mature’ picture? How long do you think it will take for these changes to happen? WITH TALK PARTNER Discuss what the seeds need in order to grow. Why will they grow? Why will a rock or pebble not grow? GATHER FEEDBACK The Bible says that God made trees and plants with seeds so that new young plants could grow and become big, mature plants. READ Genesis chapter 1 v 11 Then God said, ‘Let the land sprout with vegetation – every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.’ And that is what happened. IMAGINE Close your eyes and imagine you are a seed planted deep in the ground. The sun warms the soil around you and the rain provides a lovely drink. You begin to grow. Imagine what it would feel like to emerge from the ground; to stretch up towards the sky. What type of plant are you? How tall will you grow? Will you have a beautiful flower or lovely fruits? Where did you come from? What will you do next? Children respond with: ‘Thank you, God.’ For tiny seeds that grow into all kinds of plants; Thank you, God. For acorns that become mighty oak trees; Thank you, God. For bulbs that grow into yellow daffodils and coloured tulips; Thank you, God. For the gift of life; Thank you, God. Amen. ASK What ‘seed’ of potential has God ‘planted’ in you? Perhaps a special gift? For music? Sports? Maybe God has made you skilled at maths or reading. Perhaps you have the gift of a smile. These gifts are like ‘seeds’ planted in you. Your job is to grow them. CONSIDER how you can develop the potential you have been given. SONG CHOICES: A Perfect Day In Spring Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring! Full Of The Joys! Because It’s Springtime! It’s A Spring Thing! Songbird As The Sun Rises OBJECTIVE OF COLLECTIVE WORSHIP: To consider the potential that God has built into seeds RESOURCES NEEDED: Images on PowerPoint as per Engage activity A flower bulb, acorn or large seed Bible passage ADVANCED PREPARATION SPRING INTO LIFE ASSEMBLY 2 LIGHT AND COLOUR ENGAGE WONDER TALK ABOUT BIBLE BIT RESPOND PRAYER GO DEEPER ASK Put up your hand when I say your favourite colour. (List various colours and include black and white.) Ascertain approximately the overall favourite colours of the school/class. DISPLAY an image of a prism refracting light into the spectrum of component colours. EXPLAIN that all colours come from light shining on or through things. Without light, we don’t see colour. ASK How many colours can you see in the image of the spectrum? I WONDER if you can spot your favourite colour. WITH TALK PARTNER What have you noticed about the amount of daylight in springtime compared to wintertime? GATHER FEEDBACK ASK Why might this have happened? The Bible says that God created light before anything else in the world. Light is important because it brings life and colour to the world. READ Genesis 1 v 3-4. Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then He separated the light from the darkness. IMAGINE a park with lots of bright green grass. What will it smell like if it has just been cut? There is a pond with fluffy, baby ducklings swimming on it. What would it feel like to hold one? Around the pond there are bright yellow daffodils growing under a tree, which is covered in pink blossom. The sky is bright blue. I wonder what your favourite part of the picture is. Children respond with: ‘Thank you, God.’ For bright green grass that grows in the park; Thank you, God. For fluffy yellow ducklings on our ponds and rivers; Thank you, God. For bright yellow daffodils and pink blossom trees; Thank you, God. For all the colours of spring; Thank you, God. For longer days in which to play; Thank you, God. Amen. CONSIDER A person who is partially sighted or registered blind may never have seen light or colour clearly, if at all. There may be someone in school who can share how they ‘view’ colour as sound or vibration. I WONDER what the word ‘colour’ might mean to a blind person. SONG CHOICES: Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring! Full Of The Joys A Perfect Day In Spring Songbird It’s A Spring Thing! As The Sun Rises Because It’s Springtime! OBJECTIVE OF COLLECTIVE WORSHIP: To explore light and colour in springtime RESOURCES NEEDED: Projected image of a prism refracting light MODERATE PREPARATION 108 ASSEMBLY PLANS AND SONGBOOKS TOO! MAKE YOUR OWN POSITIVE PLAYLISTS! HANDY TIPS & TRICKS HANDY GUIDES FEEL-GOOD SONGBOOKS What can I sing in maths lessons? We’ve got SO many songs and songbooks about maths! Here are some of our fave bits ‘n’ bobs:
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