Teach Primary 18.8

Putting effective assessment at the heart of teaching and learning is always a challenge. When selecting a test, we are looking for a resource that will give us the confidence to assess age-related expectations and reliably support targeted and adaptive teaching. That’s not too much to ask, is it? Actually, it is. There are lots of English and Maths tests out there that attempt to replicate the look, feel and importantly the content of the SATs, but many of these can fall short and miss the mark. Then there are Testbase Standardised Tests. These do quite the opposite and more than measure up to the task in hand. This is a comprehensive suite of termly summative tests for Maths, Reading and English GPS for Years 1 to 6. They’ve been expertly crafted by teachers, and put to the test by thousands of pupils. Testbase pride their resources on high production values and as such the tests look almost like the mirror-image of the actual national curriculum tests. The style, format, feel and content are authentic, scrupulous and highly accomplished – they will more than prepare children and get them used to what expect. The tests are available as PDFs for printing at school, or you can take advantage of Testbase’s printing and distribution service, which costs less than in-school printing. The Testbase contributors are highly experienced in developing questions and judging difficulty and have produced thoughtful and reliable mark schemes to match for fairly and reliable evaluating children’s current understanding and achievement. Testbase resources are quality assured alongside AQA to ensure you are accessing the highest quality content. When you take out a subscription with Testbase then you can make use of MERiT, their powerful online reporting tool. This will enable you to dig deeper and gain further insights. The MERiT reporting system is as well-organised and easy to navigate as the rest of the testbase online offering, and includes quick-access guides and calendars to help you use it effectively. The accompanying app allows you to enter pupils’ details and scores to the system as you mark their test papers; or you can bulk-upload using the spreadsheet function. Once your data is in place, MERiT enables you to produce detailed reports to identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses, as well as trends within performance across your class. The reports are easy to share with colleagues or parents. These lookalike practice SATs papers are probably the best there is out there and are superb for helping to plug gaps and equip children with the required skills to succeed in the national tests. Testbase can help further too, and provide a whole library of SATs past papers covering KS1 and KS2, and earlier National Curriculum Tests for KS1, KS2, KS3 English, maths and science. With a searchable question bank of over 12,500 SATs and high-quality test questions, Testbase have got every base covered. High-quality, realistic SATs-style te sts AT A GLANCE MATHS , ENGL I SH An assessment and test preparation resource Created by teachers for teachers Quality and trusted termly standardised assessment tests Flexible printing options AQA quality assured Powerful online reporting tool Quick quizzes, topic tests and homework activities testbase.co.uk | Complete Primary Package £395 +VAT | See website for further pricing options Pitch-perfect tests for mirror-image SATs practice, preparation and progress A fully-flexible and time-saving resource Sleek, professional and engaging Perfect for the formative use of summative tests Help to measure pupils’ learning along with teacher and curriculum effectiveness Increase motivation to improve learning outcomes Affordable printing options ...you are looking for realistic tests to help children be as SATs-ready as they can. VERD I CT UPGRADE I F . . . REVIEWED BY: JOHN DABELL Testbase “This is a comprehensive suite of termly summative tests” 70 | www.teachwire.net RE V I EWS