Teach Primary Issue 18.5

Meet the author ANNA-LENA FEUNEKES, AUTHOR OF TASTY TALES: FACTS AND FABLES ABOUT OUR FAVOURITE FOODS What made you decide to write and illustrate Tasty Tales ? It stemmed from a deep love for storytelling, cooking and history. I wanted to create a book that not only shared delicious dishes’ stories from all over the world, but also intertwined them with captivating parts of history. I like how it shows these very human experiences all throughout history, mixed with anecdotes about familiar dishes that might surprise readers. How did you decide which recipes and stories to include in the book? Selecting the stories for Tasty Tales was a process that combined personal experiences, cultural influences, and a desire to engage young readers. Some stories are about a well-known staple in many households (like a potato), but others revolve around a female sultan or a knight from a faraway country! So, picking the elements was sort of like cooking too, just weighing the ‘ingredients’ until I found the proper balance. How would you like your book to be used in school? Beyond simply teaching kids about different foods and countries, the book offers opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, such as delving into specific historical events. Like, why was pad Thai created during World War II? But I also wrote Tasty Tales to help discuss cultural traditions and the significance of the same food in various societies. For example, potatoes and tomatoes came from South America to Europe and found a completely new foothold there. I hope that children will recognise foods from countries they know – or maybe they’ll share proudly a tasty tale from a country they have roots in. Ultimately, I hope the book sparks curiosity, connection, and cultural appreciation among pupils. Tasty Tales: Facts and Fables About Our Favourite Foods is out now. www.teachwire.net | 65 100 Forest School Activities byNaomi andDanWalmsley (£14.99, Button Books) From den-building and fire-lighting (fancy making your own charcoal?) to measuring-sticks, camouflage capes and story stones, this large-format paperback is packed with lively ideas for creative challenges and controlled risk-taking in a natural environment. Divided into five sections (Connecting with Nature; Fire, Food and Shelter; Nature Crafts; Games; and Rainy Day Activities) the activities appeal across a wide age range and will improve children’s social skills, self-esteem and confidence. The authors are experienced leaders specialising in bushcraft and Stone Age skills, and every aspect of this inspirational book reflects their knowledge, commitment and enthusiasm. Key features are a well-informed approach to safety, easy-to-follow instructions, engaging photos and a ‘can-do’ buzz. Champ byPayamEbrahimi, illus. RezaDalvand (£12.99, Aldana Libros at Greystone Kids) Who decides you’re going to be a sporting hero? And what happens when you disagree? Superb athletes, the fiercely competitive members of the Moleski family win endless cups and medals. Portraits of them scowl down from every wall of their home. Great things are expected of the youngest Moleski, but Abtin won’t train properly. He won’t even dream the right dreams. No wonder his father’s so upset! Is there anything Abtin can do to please his family? With its sophisticated artwork and thought-provoking story, this Iranian picturebook for older readers has much to say about freedom of expression, individuality and bullying. A rich starting point for discussions and creative responses at KS2, it will also please independent readers from Y2 up who enjoy something different. KS1/2 KS1/2 RESOURCES RECOMMENDED BUILD WORD POWER Word Whoosh, from Plazoom, is designed to clarify and extend children’s understanding of tier 2 words from Reception to Y6+, enabling them to make more ambitious and accurate language choices when speaking and writing. Each resource pack explores six words through a series of four mini-lessons: read and visualise, associate, understand, and define and master (based on the Frayer model). Find out more at bit.ly/PlzWords