Teach Primary Issue 18.5

www.teachwire.net | 61 (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie) as they are evacuated from London in 1940 to escape the Blitz, and sent to live with Professor Digory Kirke at a large house in the English countryside. While exploring the house, Lucy enters a wardrobe and discovers the magical world of Narnia. A battle of good and evil, with a raft of unforgettable characters, serves to make Narnia a place firmly cemented in the hearts of those who have read the book. T here are some books that are timeless classics. Books that hold their own over the years, and appeal to new generations of children with equal levels of awe, wonder and engagement as they did to the youngsters who first read them years previously. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is one such book. Published 74 years ago, in October 1950, the book is as well-loved today as it was all those years ago. The story follows the lives of four siblings This is an excellent novel to read with a lower KS2 class. It’s perfect for showcasing the fantasy genre and immersing children in a magical world full of friendship, good prevailing over evil, and the allowance of redemption in the form of Edmund. As the children I teach may have a mixed understanding of what evacuation is, and some of the vocabulary such as Blitz , air raid , wireless, etc, I like to pre-teach the vocabulary and some of the historical background to the story. Using the movie adaptation is a useful Step through the door, push past the coats and rediscover the magic of Narnia with C.S. Lewis’ classic fantasy The Lion, the Wi tch and the Wardr be BOOK TOP I C CER I DWEN ECCLES Book topic KS2 Harper Collins Children’s Books T E ACH RE AD I NG & WR I T I NG