Teach Primary Issue 18.4

Breaktime News | Interviews | Ideas | Resources | Research 8 | www.teachwire.net MOBILE MATHS Fables World is a laptop and phone friendly teaching platform that helps children aged four and up to master maths in just five minutes a day. This popular app is used by over 10,000 families in the UK whose children struggle with maths. Find out more at fables.world ENERGY & CLIMATE The Centre for Sustainable Energy, a fuel poverty and climate charity, has developed a new collection of primary teaching resources to help teachers embed environmental education in the curriculum. All the resources, including lesson plans and assemblies, can be downloaded at tinyurl.com/tp-CSE MAY 3 INSTANT LESSONS... (You’re welcome) RESOURCES Get grammar sorted! Start each day with a quick, fun helping of SPaG revision, courtesy of Plazoom’s Grammar Slam collection – five-step PowerPoint activities covering key word, sentence, text and punctuation skills fromAppendix 2, for all year groups. Find out more and try Grammar Slam for yourself at Bit.ly/PlazoomGS TODAY’S TOP Communication and camels Up to 14million people in the UK (20 per cent of the population) experience communication difficulties at some point in their lives. Woburn Safari Park has partnered with visual communication expertsWidgit ( widgit.com ) to create a selection of new symbols and images for visitors that support communication in a visual way. These include information about the animals, food options, and leisure activities. They support neurodiverse people in sharing their preferences, interests, and needs, helping to foster a calmer andmore enjoyable environment when visiting. To launch the new symbols, Woburn Safari Park and Widgit invited pupils fromWindmill Hill School, a local special education needs school, to a birthday party for Wednesday, a one-eyed Bactrian camel. The children prepared carrots for all the camels to eat, and enjoyed learning about the animals’ unique personalities, habitats and food preferences. ONLINE SAFETY Digital Explorers, a new internet safety game from leading edtech charity LGfL– The National Grid for Learning, is designed to make learning about keeping safe online engaging for KS2 pupils. This ‘safety quest’ activity is presented as a downloadable board game. Visit tinyurl.com/tp- DigitalExplorers