Teach Primary Issue 18.2

Every subject taught in primary schools is important. Honestly. So, picture the scene. You’ve been invited into the head teacher’s office. You’ve been schmoozed a bit, which is obviously making you nervous. And then you’re hit with it: you have been volunteered to be the next subject leader for…music! And you accepted. (Could you really have refused?) A thousand questions bounce around your brain. The trouble is, an urgent issue has just cropped up so none of them can be answered. Is it too cynical to think that the head would probably have struggled to answer them anyway? Music is the Cinderella of primary subjects: loved and regarded as virtuous by everyone, but afforded next to nothing in terms of time and financial resources – the ugly sisters of Maths and English have taken them all. Before you sink sobbing to your knees in the chaotic music cupboard, let me introduce you to your fairy godmother: Inspiring Ideas – Primary Music Leader’s Handbook from Collins Music. Written by music education expert, Dr Elizabeth Stafford, this little gem is everything a subject leader’s guide should be: knowledgeable, helpful and to the point. What struck me straight away was that it immediately acknowledged the challenges of the role – the likely lack of funding and profile – which instantly creates a bond of trust. However, it doesn’t wallow in these problems, and gets straight down to the task of guiding you through the role in a positive, accessible way. Not surprisingly, the book begins with an introduction to the basics. Somehow, though, it manages to be pitched at a level that is informative without being patronising, no matter whether you are a nervous novice or accomplished musician. One of the things I really admired was the no-nonsense approach to the writing and the layout. Before I opened it, my mind reflexively barrelled through some of the questions that would have exploded in my mind had I been offered the role. I was therefore both impressed and reassured, just from a quick glance down the index, that my concerns were going to be addressed. As I followed each page reference, I found myself relaxing as I absorbed the advice and had my eyes opened to ideas I might never have considered under my own steam. And I speak as someone who considers myself to be reasonably musical. The information was conveyed in a detailed yet concise way that was easy to navigate. It was simply and logically organised. It was also mercifully free of evangelising or soft-soaping. I could see myself happily referring back to it time and again. Blessed with this handbook, you would have every chance of rising to your new responsibilities. What’s more, when Prince Charming of Ofsted arrives for his deep dive, you can be confident that it’s not just your footwear that will shine. RRP £9.99 | www.collins.co.uk Detailed, informative and inspirational Cleverly pitched Honest and realistic Packed with useful tips A model subject leader’s guide …you want a comprehensive guide to music subject leadership that will support you all the way, no matter what your initial level of expertise. VERD I CT UPGRADE I F . . . A comprehensive guide to all aspects of primary music leadership AT A GLANCE MUS I C Written by an internationally recognised expert in music education. Concise yet all-encompassing. Suitable for music novices, enthusiasts and virtuosos. Covers everything from curriculum development to copyright concerns. Like having a friendly subject specialist sitting on your shelf. REVIEWED BY: MIKE DAVIES Inspiring Ideas – PrimaryMusic Leader’s Handbook “I really admired the no-nonsense approach to the writing” 80 | www.teachwire.net RE V I EWS