Teach Primary Issue 18.2

66 | www.teachwire.net EXPLORE MUSIC with the London Symphony Orchestra’s free online resources for teachers lso.co.uk/resources Discover free concerts, activities and teaching resources, including LSO Play – an immersive orchestral experience – and The Alice Sound – a musical world inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice books. The Alice Sound has been created in partnership with Queen Mary University of London. Gain your certification now!!!! Professional development training that will make a real difference to you and your students. Add to your skillset and become a better teacher today. Unlock your true potential with our expert training. Course: Jolly Phonics Online Training Course Duration: 20 hrs online in your own time & at your own pace Cost: £89.00 Approved by: Department of Education, Ireland Certification: by CPD College, Ireland To Enrol: visit www.jollyphonics.cpdcollege.com O N L I N E T R A I N I N G C O U R S E