Teach Primary Issue 18.2

#dothewaddle SHOW US YOUR waddle! Penguins! is from Songs For EVERY Winter Assembly - coming soon!     Steadily q = 106      G6  G6/D G6 G6/D G6  G6/D G6 G6/D Pen G6 guins! - G6/D G6 G6/D      Optional harmony G6  G6/D G6 G6/D Pen G6 guins! - G6/D G G6/D G6 G6/D G They    Pen guins! - They      look G6 a like, G6/D - G6 G6/D they’re black F and white, F/A F/C F but   look a like, - they’re black and white, but                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 Words and Music by Mark, Helen and Naomi Johnson © 2023 Out of the Ark Ltd, Middlesex TW12 2HD CCLI Song No. 7229064 PENGUINS! FRom Songs foR EveRYWinteRAssemblY © 2023 Out of the Ark Music Ltd, Middlesex TW12 2HD SONG CHOICE: Penguins! OBJECTIVE OF COLLECTIVE WORSHIP: To learn that climate change is affecting penguins (and other animals) and figure out ways to help ADVANCED PREPARATION RESOURCES NEEDED: YouTube clip for Engage column Two staff members or older children willing to perform as penguins including costumes/masks, plus a narrator, for short performance on p.2 PENGUINS! ASSEMBLY HELP THE PLANET ENGAGE WONDER TALK ABOUT RESPOND & REFLECT BIBLE BIT PRAYER GO DEEPER WATCH this video of penguins ice-skating! https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=eQqu Eh6zQ5c EXPLAIN that penguins love the ice! They love swimming in the cold water, catching fish and shuffling along the ice on their bellies as well as on their feet! I WONDER how many of you have seen a penguin before. Ask for thumbs up/down if you think the following are true/false: 1. Penguins poo every 20 minutes (True) 2. Penguins are the only birds that can’t fly (False) 3. One of the biggest threats to penguins is climate change (True) ASK Can anyone tell me what climate change is? (Correct if necessary: it is the process of our planet heating up from natural causes and human actions.) EXPLAIN that because the planet is getting hotter, animals who live on the ice are losing their homes. But if climate change is in part due to human action, that means that we can do something about it! There are different ways that we can help. WITH TALK PARTNER Discuss ideas. See p.2 for a suggested short performance for two teachers or older children dressed as penguins, plus a narrator. After the performance: REFLECT Close your eyes and imagine some real penguins. Have a think about what we have been learning. Choose one thing you want to do to help the penguins and other Antarctic animals. The Bible says that God has given human beings dominion over the earth and animals. READ Genesis 1 v 26 Then God said, ‘And now we will make human beings… They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.’ This means that it is our responsibility to look after the earth and the animals on it. We need to be kind to them and treat them well because God has asked us to. Please Lord, Protect the animals like penguins that are suffering because of climate change. Help us to change the way we act so that animals like these will continue to live and thrive in our world. In the name of Jesus, Amen DISCUSS ideas for how you can not only change your own/your family’s actions, but how you can get your school or local government to change the way they treat the planet too. WRITE/DRAW ideas of how you could do this. AGREE on one or two realistic ideas and try to get them done before the summer holidays. PENGUINS! Assembly: SHORT Performance NARRATOR: Once upon a time there were two penguins just sitting on the ice. Enter two staff members or older children dressed as penguins. FEATHERS: Do you know what, Waddles? Even with all this ice around I feel rather hot! (Mops brow) WADDLES: Me too! I wonder what’s causing it, Feathers. I’m getting worried that we are going to run out of ice and won’t have anywhere to live! FEATHERS: Too right, Waddles! Well, it’s a few things… (Turns to audience) What kind of things are human beings doing to make the climate hotter, children? Children give suggestions. WADDLES: (Responding to answers) That’s right! People are driving their cars when they could easily walk or cycle! More suggestions from the audience. FEATHERS: Yes! People are chopping down too many trees for paper! WADDLES: That’s right, people are eating too much meat and are even throwing food away! FEATHERS: What do you think humans can do to help, Waddles? WADDLES: Well, people can walk or cycle. Can everyone say ‘walk or cycle’ after me? CHILDREN: Walk or cycle! WADDLES: People can reduce food waste. Can everyone say, ‘reduce food waste’? CHILDREN: Reduce food waste! WADDLES: People can tell others about climate change. Can everyone say, ‘tell everyone about it’? CHILDREN: Tell everyone about it! FEATHERS: Wow, I’m feeling less sweaty already, Waddles! Nice one (insert name of school) ! The penguins high-five children on their way out. © 2023 Out of the Ark Music Ltd, Middlesex TW12 2HD Scan the QR code or go to www.outoftheark.co.uk/penguins Proud to be partnering with WWF addle! WWF® and ©1986 Panda Symbol are owned by WWF. All rights reserved. brand- new Download our free! song PENGUINS! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS our Penguins Music Video! A N D g r a b a l l t h e s e g o o d i e s t o o ! t h e ‘ w a a a a a d d l e ’