Teach Primary Issue 18.2

I S SUE 1 8 . 2 Contents REGULARS 8 BREAKTIME VOICES 12 DR THOMAS BERNARD Looking at Earth Day from a new angle 15 LIZZIE CATFORD BookTrust’s director of children’s books explains how a high-profile new campaign aims to tackle inequality through shared stories 17 A LETTER TO... Education policymakers on the importance of culture-focused school trips 19 UNDERCOVER TEACHER On why attendance certificates aren’t worth the paper they’re written on SPECIAL SECTION MUSIC 56 AMATEUR HOUR? How enthusiasm, good planning and the right resources can more than make up for a lack of music expertise 58 SINGING FROM THE SAME HYMN SHEET Find out how your school can best adopt Ofsted’s latest music recommendations 62 BRING ON THE NOISE! Worried that handing your children instruments might unleash chaos? Be not afraid! 65 THE BEAT OF THE DRUM Why you should consider music therapy as a tool to combat anxiety and build confidence 68 WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD! Blend the beauty of art with the joy of music in this upbeat activity inspired by Louis Armstrong’s masterpiece teachwire.net facebook.com/teachwire twitter.com/teachprimary lydia.grove@theteachco.com We want to hear from you! Get in touch with your rants, comments, photos and ideas. We’re all We want to make sure our magazine is a brilliant resource for teachers and are always striving to improve. We love hearing from real teachers about what they liked and what they would change. Got feedback about this issue? Contact us via the details in the yellow box below – we’d love to hear from you! ears! www.teachwire.net | 5