Teach Primary Issue 18.2

info@readingsolutionsuk .com readingsolutionsuk.co.uk 0191 389 6078 Worried your pupils will struggle with SATs? Dreambox Reading Plus is an adaptive online reading development programme designed to teach pupils to be proficient readers whilst saving teachers time. Try a free four-week pilot today Our reading results for Year 6 were EXS 63% and GDS 13%. After using the programme, our recent SATs results increased to 86% EXS and 41% GDS. Verity Lee, Assistant Headteacher at Sunnyside Spencer Academy Y6 pupil Arun is unlikely to finish the Reading SATs paper because he: • Is a slow reader. • Struggles with his stamina. • Has poor vocabulary knowledge. If this sounds like some of your pupils, here’s how Reading Plus improves SATs results: • Improves pupils’ fluency, stamina, and comprehension. • Identifies learning gaps through in-built assessment. • Exposes pupils to various questioning styles in line with the KS2 reading domains. • Supports pupils to confidently read more than 185 words per minute - the rate needed to complete the paper. I’ll never read all of that! Scan the QR code to request a free pilot.