Teach Primary Issue 18.2

3 / 10 of 40, you need to divide 40 by 10 (which is 4) and multiply your answer by 3 (4 x 3 = 12). You can use division and multiplication cards to support pupils who are not confident in knowing their tables mentally. Although many pupils will still only feel confident calculating fractions of a quantity with concrete materials, many will be able to move onto more abstract methods, such as using the bar model approach. This can also help with developing a more concrete understanding of remainders. Pupils can then use calculators to solve fractions of much larger numbers if they can explain how they found the answer. This will also help them to develop skills in being able to cross check their answers, which saves teachers’ time (see slides 37–40 for teaching support and worksheet). Assessment Can pupils use concrete materials to share a quantity equally into groups and then select the correct number of groups to focus on (numerator)? Can they use their knowledge of division and multiplication to calculate the fraction of an amount? Can pupils use a bar model to show how to share a quantity into equal parts? Do they understand what a remainder is and how this is linked to fractions? WEEK 5 Learning objective l To recognise and write decimal equivalents. Making the connection between fractions and decimals can prove challenging for many children, but explaining that a decimal is just a way of writing a number that is not a whole number can help. Decimals are used to write numbers that are ‘in between’, for example, 8.2 is between 8 and 9, so 8.2 is bigger than 8 but smaller than 9. Decimals are used in everyday life, particularly when a more accurate number is required than a whole number, for example, £2.50 rather than £2 or £3. Pupils can think of situations where they would need accurate numbers, such as in measuring, weighing and money. To begin, introduce the children to the idea that decimals are another way to describe a fraction ( slide 42 ). To prove this, you can use concrete materials to introduce tenths. You can use equivalent fraction tiles or base ten materials to show pupils that one tenth ( 1 / 10 ) is the same as one tenth (0.1). When introducing decimals, say the fraction and the decimal in the same way to reinforce equivalence (“zero point one” can be very abstract and confusing). Pupils need a lot of exposure to concrete materials to understand that 10 tenths = one whole; 10 x 0.1 = 1; 10 x 1 / 10 = 1; and 10 hundredths are equivalent to one tenth ( slides 43 and 44 ). The children can then continue to explore concrete materials to work out the decimal equivalents for different fractions using this knowledge. Continue to build up pupils’ knowledge until they can order fractions and decimals on a number line. Investigate multiples of tenths and their simplified fraction and decimal ( slide 45 ). Assessment Do the children have a clear understanding of what one tenth and one hundredth are in relation to one whole? Can they use concrete materials to make different decimals (use a chart for support)? Can pupils use their knowledge of tenths (0.1) to create decimals of other fractions? WEEK 6 Learning objective l Learning objective: To compare decimals up to two decimal places. The final week involves putting all our knowledge to the test and assessing if pupils have a solid understanding of what is meant by a fraction and a decimal, and are able to compare them. Comparing decimal numbers often leads to mistakes due to misconceptions. The Laura Di Pasquale is a primary teacher, Apple learning coach and micro:bit champion based in Glasgow. children should therefore continue to have or use pictorial representations of decimals for comparison ( slides 47–49 ). To find which decimal number is the largest, pupils will need to write the numbers with the decimal point lined up – using square-paper makes this easier, ensuring that each number goes in one box. Pupils need to start from the left-hand side, then compare the digits in each place value until they find a difference. Decimals can be ordered from largest to smallest or smallest to largest. Have pupils consider the following decimals and how they might put them into order: 4.2, 0.42, 4.35, 4.01, 0.04. Comparing decimals is applicable to real-world situations and in science and mathematics, for example, when comparing prices (£23.75 or £23.01), weights (1.23kg or 1.05kg) and in reading times (10.1seconds versus 10.07 seconds). Complete the worksheet to show understanding of ordering decimals on a number line ( slide 50 ). Assessment Can pupils line up decimals to correctly show an understanding of place value? Are pupils able to write tenths and hundredths as decimals? Can they order decimals on a number line? Can pupils apply their knowledge of ordering decimals to real-life situations, such as results from a 100m final? TP F EATURE S P L ANN I NG @laurakeeney01 @_mrs_di_pasquale_teacher www.teachwire.net | 25