Teach Primary Issue 18.2

denominator, which will always be equal to or greater than one whole ( slide 14 ). Simplifying fractions requires the pupils to identify which whole numbers divide equally into both the numerator and denominator with no remainders. For example, when simplifying 5 / 10 , the largest whole number that divides equally into both numbers is 5. Dividing 5 (numerator) and 10 (denominator) by 5 will give you ½. The easiest way to find which whole number divides equally into both without any remainders is to focus on the factors of both the numerator and the denominator ( slide 15 ). Once you have made a list of the factors for both numbers you then need to identify common factors. The largest common factor is the one you can then use to simplify the fraction to its most simplified form – some pupils might only be able to divide using smaller common factors, which they can keep doing until they cannot simplify the fraction anymore. Being able to simplify fractions pictorially can help pupils to visualise each step of the process ( slide 16 ). Pupils can try some of the games (see links on slide 17 ) to help develop speed at being able to simplify fractions in a fun way. Two worksheets are also provided ( slides 18–19 ). Assessment Do pupils understand the difference between proper and improper fractions? Can pupils write down the factors of numbers to 20 and find common factors between two numbers? Can the children simplify fractions up to twentieths using the common factor or pictorial method? WEEK 3 Learning objective l Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. Begin making sure pupils are familiar with counting in halves and quarters. This can be done with a counting stick ( slides 21–22 ). Use pictures to illustrate the fraction parts, to enable pupils to make the connection that two halves = one whole and so on. When reading fractional notation say “three halves, four halves” not “three over two, four over two”, etc. Use the questions in the slides to develop knowledge of being able to count forwards and backwards in different fractions, and the understanding of how many fractions are required to make different whole numbers; for example, you need eight quarters to make two, or eight halves to make four. Pupils should then use physical resources to develop an understanding of what it means to add and subtract fractions, initially from one whole. You could use Cuisenaire rods or Numicon ( slides 23–24 ), or virtual math manipulatives that pupils can use to develop a deeper understanding of the concept. Pupils can then continue to use the concrete resources to support their understanding of being able to add fractions together that have the same denominator ( slide 25 ). Using a number line is also helpful for pupils who no longer require concrete resources ( slide 26 ). This will also help to develop the concept that you can add fractions together and the answer can be more than one whole. You can use the worksheets on slides 27 and 28 for assessment. As the children become more familiar with this concept, they can move away from using concrete or pictorial representations. Being able to apply these concepts to word problems is important for real-life learning ( slides 29–31 ). Assessment Can pupils use concrete resources to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator? Using prior learning, can pupils simplify fractions to create the same denominator to solve equations (e.g. 4 / 12 + 1 / 3 = 2 / 3 )? Can pupils apply their knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions to word problems? WEEK 4 Learning objective l To calculate fractions of a quantity. Ask pupils to make a list of times they might come across fractions in real-life situations. For example, ‘half-price sale’, ‘use ¼ kg of flour’, ‘buy two get the third free’, etc. Pupils should still be encouraged to use concrete materials. Using pictorial explanations will enable the children to visualise how the quantity is being broken down, and helps with understanding where remainders come from. Pupils can then practise calculating fractions of a quantity using grouping ( slides 33–34 ). This can be a great visual technique to support the children with their understanding, and they can use concrete materials to physically share out the resources into the different groups, ensuring that each group has an equal amount. Pupils need to understand that the denominator is the total number of groups that you need. The numerator is the number of groups that you need to focus on. The next method you can focus on is using division and multiplication (see poster on slide 36 ). Pupils will need to remember to divide by the denominator (they both start with ‘d’) and multiply by the numerator (the number on the top). For example, if you want to find F EATURE S P L ANN I NG www.teachwire.net | 23