Teach Primary Issue 18.2

W e need to close the reading gap. In particular, the reading enjoyment gap. Until we do, we will never address one of the major inequalities at the heart of our society. Children who are read to experi- ence significant benefits. Being read to supports bonding and stimulates brain development and language acquisition, both in and beyond the Early Years. Reading enjoyment comes from sharing stories with trusted adults. From the unique interplay that arises through the shared points of interest and back-and-forth interactions. As children grow, being given the freedom to choose books that reflect their lives and interests becomes key. Families understand reading is important, but still struggle to make it a part of their day. While 95 per cent of families with children under seven know it’s important to read with their child, only 42 per cent of children have a bedtime story. 53 per cent of parents and carers of primary-aged children say reading is not a big part of family life. one-to-one experience for children: the reader shows enthusiasm, and adapts their pace, emphasis and rhythm in response to the group, makes eye contact and engages in back-and-forth commentary. • Effective family engagement is vital. Around a quarter of parents (26 per cent) with children under seven years old find reading with their child challenging. It is therefore important to recognise the barriers that will exist for many. Modelling story sharing, being clear that there is no right or wrong way, and encouraging families simply to get started will make a big difference. Visit the BookTrust Primary School hub ( tinyurl.com/tp-BTCampaigns ) for a short film you can share with families to help them start reading. • Many parents are not confident choosing books for their child and struggle to access reading materials. 23 per cent of low-income children aged four to seven years get books for shared reading from school, so offering a high-quality range of books for families to choose from together is important. • Representation matters. Seeing their lives represented in books engages children in reading. Promote inclusive books that represent characters from wide-ranging backgrounds and perspectives. For recommendations, sign up to the monthly BookTrust newsletter or visit our Bookfinder ( tinyurl.com/ tp-Bookfinder ) tool. • Remove barriers for children experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage by providing access to books and resources for their home environment. Programmes like BookTrust’s Letter Box Club have been designed with these children in mind – 68 per cent of LetterBox Club children tell us they are reading more on their own as a result of their monthly book parcels. As we continue to campaign to change children’s lives through being read to and reading for pleasure, we will champion the role teachers play in delivering these vital experiences and push for greater support, resources and recognition for this work. Sign up for our newsletter ( tinyurl.com/ tp-BTNewsletter ) to find out how you can get involved. TP Lizzie Catford is BookTrust’s director of children’s books. Lizzie Catford Supported by all 12 Waterstones Children’s Laureates, a new campaign from BookTrust aims to tackle inequality through shared stories At the start of this year, BookTrust launched a major new campaign – Reading Together, Changing Children’s Lives – calling for a commitment from Government to long-term investment in books and reading for children ( tinyurl. com/tp-ChangingLives ). Throughout 2024, we’ll be working hard to make sure children’s reading is a key part of our national debate. As our president Michael Morpurgo stated when launching the campaign, “It is not right that children from poorer back- grounds are deprived of a life that is rich in reading.” Teachers are important role models in developing children’s attitudes to- wards reading – 57 per cent of low-in- come families report that teachers influence howmuch their children enjoy reading. Our work, informed by decades of experience, provides key insights into how teachers can create positive reading behaviours in children as they develop through primary school: • Make time in the school day to read to your pupils. Reading aloud in group settings provides many of the same interactions as a @Booktrust booktrust.org.uk We need to get more families reading together VO I C E S www.teachwire.net | 15 Booktrust