Teach Primary - Essential School Resource 2024/25

Literacy Tree is an immersive, book- based platform designed to engage and motivate young writers while ensuring all national curriculum skills and objectives are carefully sequenced. Perfect if you’re after a cohesive and coherent approach to literacy. TAKE A LOOK ! Teach English with deliberately diverse, high-quality literature. K E Y S TAG E 1 A N D 2 LITERACY TREE: WHOLE SCHOOL, BOOK-BASED PRIMARY ENGLISH C O N TA C T P R I MA RY E N G L I S H • L I T E R AC Y • P L A NN I N G literacytree.com info@literacytree.com 0203 196 014 “The work my whole team have done with Literacy Tree has been transformative. The teaching team and children are so enthusiastic and excited about reading and writing. The books look great, the children are confident and keen to talk.” – Hilary, headteacher Essential School Resources 24-25 6 www.teachwire.net/primary